Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  terms
  DTM has many terms specific to its own use. For more
  information, double click on any of the terms provided
  under additional topics.

1  –  acl

  A OpenVMS System protection scheme that grants or
  denies access to files based on a list of users. With
  ACLs, you can specify access for a set of users who are
  not in the same UIC group. See also User identification
  code (UIC).

2  –  benchmark_dir

  A OpenVMS directory or Code Management System library
  that is used for benchmark files.

3  –  benchmark_file

  A file that contains the expected output of a test.

  DTM automatically creates a benchmark file when you
  record an interactive terminal or DECwindows test.

  You create a benchmark file for a noninteractive test
  by pulling down the Testing menu and choosing the
  Review menu item and the Update submenu item during
  a Review session.

4  –  collection

  One or more tests you select to run as a set. A
  collection is a "snapshot" of its tests and the library
  at the time you create the collection.

  A collection can have prologue and epilogue files,
  filters, and variables associated with it.

  To change a collection, you must re-create it.

  You can execute a test only as part of a collection.

5  –  coll_epilog_file

  Created with a text editor, the collection epilogue
  file contains the commands that enable you to control
  the environment in which the tests are run.

  The collection epilogue file is associated with a
  collection; it is executed after the collection is
  executed and is the last file executed.

  Typically, you use the collection epilogue file to
  delete directories created specifically for the process
  or for other clean up requirements.

6  –  coll_prol_file

  Created with a text editor, the collection prologue
  file contains the commands that enable you to control
  the environment in which the tests are run.

  The collection prologue file is associated with a
  collection; it is executed whenever the collection
  is executed, after the global variables and
  DTM$COLLECTION_NAME are defined, but before any tests
  are executed.

7  –  comm_file

  Created with a text editor, the command file is a test
  file that contains the commands to run an application
  in a noninteractive environment.

8  –  Comparison status

  The result description status of a test: Comparison
  Aborted, New Test, Not Run, Successful, Unsuccessful,

9  –  diff_file

  A file created by DTM after comparing the results file
  to the benchmark file. DTM generates a difference
  file only if the result file and benchmark file do
  not match.

10  –  Display device

  A terminal or DECwindows workstation screen.

11  –  dtm$coll

  A global symbol DTM assigns to a collection and uses
  as it executes prologue and epilogue files and test
  command files.

12  –  dtm$init

  A logical name that you assign to a DTM initialization

13  –  dtm$lib

  A logical name that DTM assigns to the current

14  –  dtm$result

  A logical name that DTM assigns to the result file for
  a specific test.

  DTM uses the logical name when it runs the test
  epilogue file.

15  –  dtm$test_name

  A local OpenVMS symbol that DTM assigns to a test.

  DTM uses the symbol when it runs that test.

16  –  dtm$decw$display

  A local OpenVMS symbol that DTM assigns to a DECwindows

  DTM uses the symbol when it records, runs, or plays a


  A local OpenVMS symbol that DTM assigns to a specified
  standard OpenVMS delta time. You can use DTM$DELAY_
  TIMEOUT to specify your own delay timeout value.


  A local OpenVMS symbol that DTM assigns a boolean value
  that enables or disables the creation of printable
  versions of the result (.RES_SCREENS) and the benchmark
  (.BMK_SCREENS) files.

19  –  field

  A test description element that you use to associate
  specific information with a test description.

  The test description fields are test name, template,
  benchmark, prologue, epilogue, variables, groups,
  filters, and remark.

20  –  field_val

  A value for a test description field.

  When you supply a value for a test description field,
  you associate specific files, variables, filters, or
  other attributes with the associated test.

21  –  filter

  A means for substituting constant values for the
  following run-time variables:

  o  Directory names

  o  File names

  o  Version numbers

  o  Date

  o  Time

  o  Traceback information

22  –  group

  A set of tests that are gathered under a single group
  name so that they can be manipulated as a unit.

  Tests of similar functions are generally organized into
  a group.

  Groups simplify the testing procedure by enabling you
  to group tests that test specific functions without
  running unrelated tests.

23  –  history

  A historical record of operations that change the DTM

  For example, CREATE and DELETE operations are logged
  in the history records; DISPLAY operations are not

24  –  inp_file

  A file you can edit that contains a text representation
  of all user input, nonprintable control characters,
  and recording functions in a session file for an
  interactive terminal test.

25  –  init_fil

  A DTM command file to be executed whenever DTM is
  invoked as a subsystem.

26  –  inter_term_tst

  A test that includes recorded input and output from an
  application in a terminal-based environment.

  You create an interactive terminal test by using the
  Record functions of DTM.

  The template file for an interactive terminal test is a
  session file.

27  –  inter_dw_test

  A test that includes recorded input and output from an
  application in a DECwindows environment.

  You create a DECwindows test by using the Record
  functions of DTM.

  The template file for a DECwindows-based test is a
  session file.

28  –  Keypad key

  The editing and numeric keypads, as well as the
  function keys. These keys are user-definable using
  the DEFINE/KEY command.

29  –  Keysym

  A value associated with a key on the keyboard. The
  key values are translated by means of the KEYSYMDEF.H
  translation table file and enable DTM to use any

30  –  library

  A OpenVMS directory containing the information DTM
  needs to manage a test system.

  The DTM library contains the control file, collection
  subdirectories, result files, difference files, and,
  optionally, benchmark and session files.

31  –  Local variable

  A DCL symbol or logical name that is defined only while
  the test with which it is associated is running. Local
  variables can be used by the prologue, template, and
  epilogue files associated with this test.

32  –  Mask

  A user-defined area on a DECwindows benchmark image
  that is ignored when the results of a test are compared
  against the benchmark image. Mask are created using the
  DTM Screen Editor.

33  –  noninter_test

  A test where the template is a DCL command file.

34  –  Panning

  Moving a DECwindows workstation screen image with
  the pointer; the image remains in the same position
  relative to the pointer.

35  –  Primary reviewer

  A person who enters the REVIEW command without the
  /READ_ONLY qualifier. Only one person at a time can be
  the primary reviewer of a collection. This reviewer can
  use all Review subsystem commands. See also Read-only

36  –  Read only reviewer

  A person who enters the REVIEW command with the /READ_
  ONLY qualifier. A read-only reviewer can peruse the
  result descriptions and print files, but cannot make
  any changes to the result descriptions. A read-only
  reviewer cannot issue the UPDATE or INSERT commands.

37  –  reg_test

  A testing method to ensure that software being
  developed or modified runs consistently and that
  new features do not affect the correct execution of
  previously tested features.

  In regression testing, you run established tests and
  compare the results with the successful results from
  previous test runs. If the new results do not conform
  to the previously verified results, the software may
  contain errors. When errors exist, the software has

38  –  remark

  A comment associated with a DTM operation and recorded
  in the history file.

39  –  res_desc

  A summary of test results, which are accessible with
  the view functions of DTM.

  DTM generates a result description for every test
  description in a collection.

40  –  res_file

  A file containing the results of a test's execution; it
  is accessible using the Review and Display functions of

41  –  Screen Editor

  A utility for viewing benchmark, results, and
  differences screens and creating masks for benchmark

42  –  Scrolling

  Moving a DECwindows workstation screen image with
  sliders or increment arrows in the scroll bars.

43  –  sess_file

  A file with the file type .SESSION containing a
  recording of an interactive terminal or DECwindows

  A session file contains the following data:

  o  A description of the type of display device on which
     you recorded the test

  o  A record of all input during the recording session

  o  Additional control and timing information

44  –  templ_dir

  A OpenVMS directory or Code Management System library
  used for template files in the current DTM library.

45  –  templ_file

  A OpenVMS command procedure that executes a
  noninteractive test, or a session file containing a
  recorded Interactive terminal or DECwindows session.

  Template files exist for the following types of tests
  DTM can process:

  Test            Template

  Noninteractive  Command file
  Interactive     Session file produced when you record
  Terminal        an interactive session
  DECwindows      Session file produced when you record a
                  DECwindows session

46  –  Tc block

  The first 12-byte record in a session file; it
  describes the type of terminal on which the terminal
  session was recorded and the characteristics of that

47  –  term_char

  The character that is entered twice to terminate the
  recording of an interactive terminal or DECwindows
  session. The default termination character is CTRL/P.

48  –  Test

  A command procedure or recorded session file that
  executes applications for the purpose of regression

49  –  test_desc

  A set of fields for which you supply values that point
  to the files and other entities associated with the

  A test description contains all the information DTM
  needs to run a particular test. Each test must have a
  corresponding test description.

50  –  test_epilog

  Created with a text editor, the optional test epilogue
  file contains the commands that enable you to control
  the environment in which DTM records and runs tests.

  A test epilogue file is associated with a specific test
  description; it is executed after the test template
  is recorded or executed and DTM$RESULT is defined, but
  before DTM-provided filters are applied to the test.

  Typically, you use the test epilogue file to modify the
  results file of record-dependent and run-dependent data
  or other clean up operations.

  Output from an execution of a test epilogue file
  appears in the test results and can affect test

51  –  test_prolog

  Created with a text editor, the optional test prologue
  file contains the commands that enable you to control
  the environment in which DTM records and runs tests.

  A test prologue file is associated with a specific
  test description; it is executed before the session
  file is recorded or before the test is executed in a

  Typically, you use the test prologue file to set up
  any special environment that the test requires, such as
  setting up constants, defining versions and logicals,
  or creating directories.

  Output from a test prologue file does not appear in the
  test results.

52  –  UIC

  A code that determines a user's access rights to a
  file. See also Access Control List.

53  –  variable

  A user-defined OpenVMS symbol or logical name.

  DTM stores variables in its library for use when it
  executes tests. There are two types of variables:

  Global    Once created, global variables are accessible
            by any test in all collections if the
            test's template, prologue, or epilogue file
            references the variable.
  Local     Local variables are accessible only to a
            single test if the variable is referenced in
            the test's template, prologue, or epilogue

54  –  CMS

  A software library system that stores files, records
  changes made to the files, and records user access of
  the files.

55  –  pca

  A software development tool that collects performance
  and coverage data on a program and enables you to
  interactively analyze that data.

  When you use DTM with the Performance and Coverage
  Analyzer, DTM invokes the Collector of PCA to gather
  performance and coverage data while tests are running.

56  –  view

  A window that contains a hierarchical display of a DTM
  library object and any associated objects.

  You can request that DTM present the information with
  various levels of detail.
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