Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  overview  views
  A view is a window containing a hierarchical display of
  a DTM library object and any associated objects.

  You can display the information with various levels of
  detail. The following table shows view types and the
  levels to which you can expand them:

  View Type      Expansion

  Collection     Collection attributes and result
                 descriptions (preceded by icons),
                 which expand to benchmark, result, and
                 difference files
  Test           Test attributes
  Group          Subgroups, tests within groups, and test
  Variable       Variable attributes
  History        History records

1  –  cre_nvu

  To replace the current view with a new view, perform
  the following steps:

  1. Pull down the View menu.

  2. Choose the type of view menu item (Collection, Test,
     Group, Variable, or History).

  To create an additional view window, perform the
  following steps:

  1. Pull down the View menu.

  2. Choose the New menu item.

  3. Choose the type of view menu item (Collection, Test,
     Group, Variable, or History).

2  –  exp_vu

  To expand an object in a view, double click on a
  display line that is preceded by an icon). Note
  that this causes the line to expand or collapse both
  children and attributes, depending on its current
  state. Children and attributes represent levels of
  detail about an object.

  Alternatively, you can expand an object in a view
  by clicking on the object, then choosing the Expand
  menu item to display the children or attributes of the

  For example, after using a test view to display the
  tests in the current library, you can expand a specific
  test to display its attributes. Attributes of a test
  include the following: a template file, a benchmark
  file, a prologue file, an epilogue file, variables,
  groups, type of test, filters, and comparison type.

3  –  clps_vu

  To collapse an expanded object in a view, double click
  on a display line that is preceded by an icon. By
  collapsing view objects, you hide the next level of
  detail (children and attributes) being displayed in a

  Alternatively, you can collapse the children or
  attributes of an object by clicking on the object
  you want to collapse, then choosing the Collapse menu

4  –  sel_vu

  To select a single object in a view, click on the
  object. You can select more than one object by pressing
  the Shift key while you click on objects in the list.

5  –  clos_vu

  To close the active view window when more than one view
  window is open (without exiting DTM), pull down the
  View menu and choose the Close View menu item.

  The Close View menu item is accessible from both the
  Library and View menus. It is inactive if only one
  window is open.
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