Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  overview  user_filt
  The user defined filter facility provides a mechanism
  whereby filters written as DEC Text Processing Utility
  (DECTPU) programs are automatically executed when tests
  are run. These filters are referred to as user filters.
  The implementation enables users to solve easily many
  filtering problems, often with a single-line program,
  whilst allowing full access to the facilities of DECTPU
  to solve more complex cases.

  To implement a new filter, a file containing the
  required DECTPU commands is created. There are a
  number of predefined patterns and a global replace
  procedure provided which can be used to build the
  commands. For example, the following command will
  replace device names that precede a directory with
  the string "DEVICE":

     global_replace( identifier + ':[' , 'DEVICE:[' )

  Procedure global_replace is similar to the TPU pattern
  style feature of Language-Sensitive Editor and filters
  can be developed using that facility.

  To associate a user filter with a test, a logical
  variable starting with the characters "DTM$UF_"
  is created. The value of the variable is the file
  specification of the file containing the DECTPU

  The variable is then associated with the test in the
  usual way.

  When the test is run, as part of a collection, the
  filter will be applied.

1  –  uf_variables

  Variables with names beginning with the string "DTM$UF_
  " are used to control user filters. These variables
  must be logical variables but can be global or local.

  When tests are run that have associated variables whose
  names begin with the string "DTM$UF_", DTM will apply
  the user filters contained in the files referenced by
  the value of those variables. Only a single file may be
  referenced by each variable.

  The specified files are executed by DEC Text Processing
  Utility (DECTPU). If more than one user filter variable
  is associated with a test, the files are executed in
  the lexicographic order of the variable names. The user
  filters are applied before any built-in filters that
  are also specified for the test.

  User filter files can be located either in OpenVMS
  directories or in Code Management System (CMS)
  libraries. Files may be specified using logical names
  including logical names that specify search lists.
  Wildcards cannot be used. For files in CMS libraries,
  the most recent generation on the main line of descent
  is used.

  Before the first file is executed the file to be
  filtered is read into the DECTPU buffer "filter_
  buffer". Next, the file specified by the logical
  name DTM$UFDEFINES is executed. The system
  logical name DTM$UFDEFINES references the file
  definitions of a global replace procedure and patterns
  which can be used in building filters. This logical can
  be redefined to point to a custom file.

  Any errors in accessing the user filter files or
  in executing the DECTPU commands will be reported.
  However, they will not cause the filter operation to
  fail, and any remaining user and built-in filters will
  be applied.

  After all the user filters have been applied, the file
  being filtered will be written out. If any built-in
  filters are also specified, they are applied to the
  newly created file, resulting in a second new version.

  In order to disable a user filter that is defined
  with a global variable for a particular test, define
  the value of the variable for the test as a string
  containing only spaces.

2  –  uf_record

  When using the FILTER option to filter the benchmark
  produced by recording an interactive terminal test,
  user filters associated with the test will be applied,
  provided that the VARIABLES option is also used.

3  –  uf_global_rep

  contains a global replace procedure and some predefined
  patterns that can be used to build filters. The
  specification of procedure global_replace is as

   PROCEDURE global_replace ( pattern_to_replace,
     Replace all occurrences of a given pattern with a
     given string in the buffer "filter_buffer".


     pattern_to_replace        The pattern to be replaced.

     replacement_string        The string to be substituted.

     search_mode (optional)    The mode of pattern matching
                               to be used when searching
                               for the pattern. Should be
                               one of:
                                 NO_EXACT (default)

     evaluate_replacement      Specifies whether the replacement
       (optional)              string is to be evaluated.
                               Should be one of:
                                 OFF, 0 (default)
                                 ON, 1
                               If specified as ON or 1,
                               the replacement string is
                               evaluated before use. This is
                               needed if the replacement
                               string contains any partial
                               pattern variables. In this
                               case, any string literals
                               in the replacement string
                               must be specified as nested
                               strings and partial pattern
                               variables converted to strings
                               using the TPU procedure STR.

     convert_linefeeds         Specifies whether any linefeed
       (optional)              characters in the replacement
                               string are to be converted
                               into line breaks.
                               Should be one of:
                                 OFF, 0 (default)
                                 ON, 1

4  –  uf_examples

  The user filter examples are listed below.

4.1  –  uf_example1

  The following example assumes that the disks are named
  UDISK{n} where {n} is a number, for example UDISK1,
  UDISK13. This filter replaces such disk names with the
  string "DISK_NAME":

     global_replace ( 'UDISK' + number, 'DISK_NAME')

  The pattern to replace is built from a string literal
  ('UDISK'), the concatenation operator (+) and the
  pattern "number" included in the supplied definitions
  file. The pattern "number" matches a sequence of

  The replacement string is the string literal 'DISK_

4.2  –  uf_example2

  This example uses the supplied "null" pattern with
  the DECTPU alternation operator to include an optional
  element in a pattern.

  Supposing that, in the previous example, some of the
  disk names do not include the leading "U", for example
  DISK7. The following filter replaces disk names with or
  without the leading "U":

     global_replace ( ("U"|null) + "DISK" + number,

4.3  –  uf_example3

  The following example filters dates in the form DD-MMM-
  YYYY, for example 11-OCT-1999. Because it only filters
  this one form of date, it is quicker than the built-in
  date filter which filters many different date formats.
  It is also not the exact equivalent of the built-in
  date filter in other respects, for example it treats
  37-NOV-0999 as a date, but should be sufficient for
  most purposes.

     day := any(" 123") + digit;
     month := "JAN" | "FEB" | "MAR" | "APR" |
              "MAY" | "JUN" | "JUL" | "AUG" |
              "SEP" | "OCT" | "NOV" | "DEC";
     year := any(digits,4);
     date := day + "-" + month + "-" + year;
     global_replace( date, "dd-mmm-yyyy");

  This filter defines the pattern variables "day",
  "month" and "year" which are then used to define the
  pattern variable "date" used in the call to global_

  The "day" pattern uses the DECTPU function "any" to
  match either a space or one of the characters "1", "2"
  or "3", followed by a digit.

  The "month" pattern uses the DECTPU pattern alternation
  operator "|" to specify a list of alternative string

  The "year" pattern uses the DECTPU function "any"
  with the supplied pattern "digits". The "4" parameter
  indicates that exactly 4 digits are to be matched.

  The "date" pattern concatenates these patterns and
  linking punctuation.

4.4  –  uf_example4

  This filter removes blank lines using the DECTPU
  keywords LINE_BEGIN and LINE_END.

     global_replace( LINE_BEGIN + LINE_END, '');

  The LINE_END keyword absorbs the new line.

  The above filter only replaces lines containing no
  characters. The following filter also replaces lines
  containing only spaces and tab characters:

     global_replace( LINE_BEGIN + (white_space|null) +
         LINE_END, '');

4.5  –  uf_example5

  This example demonstrates how to use surrounding
  text to identify a string to be replaced without also
  replacing the surrounding text.

  The following filter replaces the month part of
  a date with the string "mmm". For example, the
  string "14-OCT-1999" will be replaced by the string

     day := any(" 123") + digit;
     month := "JAN" | "FEB" | "MAR" | "APR" |
              "MAY" | "JUN" | "JUL" | "AUG" |
              "SEP" | "OCT" | "NOV" | "DEC";
     year := any(digits,4);
     date := (day + "-"@day_part) + month + ("-" + year@year_part);
     global_replace( date, 'str(day_part) + "mmm" + str(year_part)',,ON);

  The day part of the date and the "-" character are
  assigned to the partial pattern variable day_part and
  the year part of the date and preceding "-" assigned
  to year_part. These partial pattern variables are then
  included in the replacement string.

  When partial pattern variable are used in the
  replacement string they must be evaluated for
  each replacement. To do this, set the parameter
  evaluate_replacement to ON, as shown above.

  When the replacement string is to be evaluated, string
  literals must be nested inside further quotes. This
  is most easily done by using single quotes for the
  outer string and double quotes for any nested string
  literals, or vice-versa. Also, any partial pattern
  variables must be converted to strings using the DECTPU
  procedure STR.

  Note that including LINE_END in the definition of a
  partial pattern variable does not have the effect
  of retaining the line break. See example 6 for a
  resolution of this problem.

4.6  –  uf_example6

  If the search pattern contains LINE_END, the matched
  line break will be removed, causing the next line to
  be appended to the current line. To use LINE_END to
  only provide context for the search, the line break
  must be reinserted. This is done using the parameter

  If the convert_linefeeds parameter is specified as ON,
  any linefeed characters appearing in the replacement
  string are removed and the built-in DECTPU procedure
  SPLIT_LINE is called at the point of the linefeed

  The following filter replaces any numbers that are the
  last characters on a line with the string "x":

     global_replace (number+LINE_END, "x"+lf,,,ON)

  The "lf" pattern is defined as a linefeed character in
  the supplied definitions file.

  If a LINE_END is included in a partial pattern
  variable, the line break can be retained by specifying
  the second optional parameter to the DECTPU STR
  procedure as a linefeed character, for example:

     global_replace (number+(LINE_END@sep),

  The second parameter to STR specifies the string that
  line breaks occurring in the first parameter should be
  converted to. Line breaks are retained by specifying
  the linefeed character and setting the parameter
  convert_linefeeds to ON.

4.7  –  uf_example7

  The DECTPU keyword UNANCHOR can be used to replace
  sections of text delimited by specified strings. The
  following replaces all text between the strings "/*"
  and "*/" with the string "/* Text deleted */". The text
  may run across line boundaries:

     global_replace ( "/*" + UNANCHOR + "*/",
                      "/* Text deleted */")

  Note that while a similar effect is possible using the
  COMPARE/SENTINEL command, the filter can be applied
  to individual tests, whereas the /SENTINEL qualifier
  applies only to collections.

4.8  –  uf_example8

  The global_replace procedure can be used for many
  filtering tasks. However any DECTPU commands can be
  used to build filters. The file being filtered is read
  into the buffer "filter_buffer" before the user filters
  are applied and written out afterwards.

  The following filter uses the DECTPU EDIT procedure to
  convert all characters to upper case:

     EDIT( filter_buffer, UPPER, OFF)

  Note that while a similar effect is possible using the
  COMPARE/IGNORE=CASE command, the filter can be applied
  to individual tests, whereas the IGNORE qualifier
  applies only to collections.

  The following filter searches for numbers and replaces
  them only if they are in a specified range:

     POSITION (BEGINNING_OF (filter_buffer));
         found_range := SEARCH_QUIETLY (number, FORWARD);
         EXITIF found_range = 0;
         POSITION (END_OF(found_range));
         value := INT(STR(found_range));
         IF (value>350) AND (value<570)
             COPY_TEXT ("XXX");
             ERASE (found_range);

  The initial POSITION is required to ensure that the
  whole of the filter_buffer is processed, because the
  editing point is undefined at the start of each filter.
  Then, as each number is processed, the editing point is
  moved to the end of the number. The MOVE_HORIZONTAL
  procedure call is necessary because the previous
  POSITION leaves the editing point at the last character
  of the number, which would result in an immediate match
  on the next call to SEARCH_QUIETLY.
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