Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  overview  run
  Before you can execute tests, you must make them a
  part of a collection. Then you can execute the tests in
  batch mode or interactively as part of the collections.

  A collection is a "snapshot" of the specified test
  descriptions and their related files at the time the
  collection is created, Therefore, you must re-create
  the collection if you change a test description, group,
  or their contents.

1  –  cre_coll

  To create a collection, perform the following steps:

  1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.

  2. Choose the Create menu item and the Collection...
     submenu item.

  The Collection dialog box enables you to place tests
  and groups of tests into a collection. It also enables
  you to specify options, such as collection prologue and
  epilogue files and collection variables.

2  –  recre_coll

  To re-create a collection, perform the following steps:

  1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.

  2. Choose the Recreate... menu item.

  If you change a test description or the contents of
  a group after including it in a collection, you must
  re-create the collection to include the changes.


    Before recreating a collection, be sure that the
    prologue and epilogue files associated with the
    collection and template, prologue, and epilogue
    files associated with the tests in the collection
    exist in their proper directories. If DTM cannot
    find the template, prologue, or epilogue files
    specified in the original CREATE TEST_DESCRIPTION
    command, the original collection is deleted but a
    new collection is not created.

3  –  del_colls

  To delete a collection, perform the following steps:

  1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.

  2. Choose the Delete menu item and the Collection...
     submenu item.

4  –  exec_tests

  When you execute a test collection, DTM sets up the
  test environment and executes all the tests in the
  collection. Each test in a collection generates a
  separate result file, which contains the output
  generated by the template file.

  DTM automatically compares the result file to a
  test's benchmark file and logs any discrepancies in a
  difference file. After DTM compares the collection, you
  can view test results using DTM's Review and Display

  To execute an existing collection, perform the
  following steps:

  1. Create a Collection view.

  2. Click on (highlight) the collection you want to

  3. Pull down the Testing menu.

  4. Choose the Submit... or Run... menu item.

  The Submit... menu item enables you to execute the
  selected collection in batch mode; the Run... menu item
  enables you to execute the collection interactively.

5  –  test_steps

  DTM performs the following steps when it executes tests
  within a collection:

  1. Defines the DTM$COLLECTION_NAME variable as the
     collection name

  2. Defines any global variables with values as assigned
     when the collection was created

  3. Executes the collection prologue file, if any
     perform the

  4. Calls a generic command file in the DTM library to
     following tasks for each test:

     a.  Defines local variables

     b.  Defines the DTM$TEST_NAME variable as the test
         name for the current test

     c.  Executes the test prologue, if any

     d.  Executes the test template

     e.  Defines the DTM$RESULT variable as the test
         result name of the current test

     f.  Executes the test epilogue, if any

     g.  Executes any user-defined filters

     h.  Executes filters provided by DTM

     i.  Undefines local variables

     j.  Undefines the DTM$RESULT variable

  5. Compares the result file with the benchmark file

  6. Executes the collection epilogue file, if any

6  –  stop_coll

  To terminate a collection running interactively, click
  on the Delete Task button in the Task dialog box.

  To terminate a collection executing in batch mode,
  perform the following steps:

  1. Pull down the Testing menu.

  2. Choose the Stop... menu item.
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