Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  v_mu, v_qtm
  Choose the Query Test System... menu item to view
  objects within a DTM library. The resulting dialog
  box enables you to select the objects for view by type
  and name wildcards.

1  –  v_qtdb

  Use the Query Test System dialog box to select objects
  for view within DTM View windows. Click on the object
  to specify the type of display required and use the
  name field with a name or a partial wildcard to refine
  the display.

  The following object types may be selected for display
  within a DTM View window:

  o  Collections

  o  Groups

  o  Tests

  o  Variables

  In addition to selecting display by object type, you
  may restrict the display of objects by specifying a
  partial wildcard name in the Name text entry field and
  clicking on the Name button.
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