Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  v_mu
  Pull down the View menu to create, delete, modify, and
  update views.

  The following table lists the view types and the levels
  of expansion:

  Type      Expansion

  Collection Collection attributes and result descriptions
            (preceded by an icon), which expand to
            benchmark, result, and difference files
  Test      Test attributes
  Group     Subgroups, tests within groups, and test
  Variable  Variable attributes
  History   History records

1  –  v_upm

  Choose the Update menu item to obtain the latest
  generation of the view structure.

  DTM automatically updates a view when you collapse and
  then expand a view. However, DTM does not automatically
  update a view to reflect changes made to the library

2  –  v_xm

  Choose the Expand menu item to display in a view
  the children or attributes of objects preceded by
  icons. Children and attributes represent additional
  information or levels of detail about an object.

  To expand a view object preceded by an icon, perform
  the following steps:

  1. Use MB1 to select and highlight the specific object
     in the view

  2. Choose the Expand menu item

  3. Choose either the Children or Attributes submenu

  Optionally, double click on a display line (preceded by
  an icon) in the view. This causes the line to expand or
  collapse, depending on its current state.

2.1  –  v_xcd

  Choose the Children submenu item to display the
  children of a selected object you are viewing.

  Children, denoted in a view by an icon, are descended
  directly from the object.

  For example, tests are children of a collection.
  Similarly, subgroups are children of a group and tests
  are children of subgroups.

2.2  –  v_xat

  Choose the Attributes submenu item to display the
  attributes of a selected object you are viewing.

  Attributes lack an icon when displayed in a view; they
  characterize an object. For example, variables and
  filters are attributes of a test description.

3  –  v_cm

  Choose the Collapse menu item to remove the display
  children or attributes of an object in a view.

  To collapse the displayed children or attributes:

  1. Use MB1 to select and highlight in the view the
     object you want to collapse

  2. Choose the Collapse menu item

  3. Choose either the Children or Attributes submenu
     item, as appropriate, from the Collapse submenu

  Optionally, double click on a display line (preceded by
  an icon) in the view. This causes the line to expand or
  collapse depending on its current state.

3.1  –  v_ccd

  Choose the Children submenu item to collapse the
  children of a selected object you are viewing.

  Children, denoted in a view by an icon, have a
  hierarchical relationship to an object; that is, they
  are descended directly from the object.

  For example, tests are children of a collection.
  Similarly, subgroups are children of a group and tests
  are children of subgroups.

3.2  –  v_cat

  Choose the Attributes submenu item to collapse the
  attributes of a selected object you are viewing.

  Attributes lack an icon when displayed in a view; they
  characterize an object. For example, variables and
  filters are attributes of a test description.

4  –  v_qtm

  Choose the Query Test System... menu item to view
  objects within a DTM library. The resulting dialog
  box enables you to select the objects for view by type
  and name wildcards.

4.1  –  v_qtdb

  Use the Query Test System dialog box to select objects
  for view within DTM View windows. Click on the object
  to specify the type of display required and use the
  name field with a name or a partial wildcard to refine
  the display.

  The following object types may be selected for display
  within a DTM View window:

  o  Collections

  o  Groups

  o  Tests

  o  Variables

  In addition to selecting display by object type, you
  may restrict the display of objects by specifying a
  partial wildcard name in the Name text entry field and
  clicking on the Name button.

5  –  v_clsm

  Choose the Close View menu item to close the active
  view window when more than one view window is open.
  This enables you to close the active window without
  leaving DTM.

  You must choose this menu item from the active view

  The Close View menu item is inactive if only one window
  is open.
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