Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  t_mu, t_xtm
  Choose the Extract... menu item to extract an input
  file from a terminal session file without changing the
  session file.

  You can use an input file to create a new terminal
  session file from an existing session file.

1  –  t_xmdwsi

  Choose the DECwindows submenu item to create an
  DECwindows Input file from a DECwindows session file.

1.1  –  t_xmdwdb

  Use the DECwindows Extract dialog box to specify the
  DECwindows session file from which DTM creates an input

1.1.1  –  t_xmdwdb_ses

  Use the Session File field to enter the name of the
  session file from which DTM creates an input file.

1.1.2  –  t_xmdwdb_in

  Use the Input file field to specify the file
  specification for the input file.

  If you leave this field blank, DTM uses the session
  file name with the file type of .INP.

1.1.3  –  t_xmdwdb_au

  To be supplied.

1.1.4  –  t_xmdwdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.

1.1.5  –  t_xmdwdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

2  –  t_xm

  Choose the Terminal submenu item to create a terminal
  Input file from a terminal session file.

2.1  –  t_xmdwdb

  Use the Terminal Extract dialog box to specify the
  terminal session file from which DTM creates an input

  The dialog box also enables you to specify the
  termination character for the session file, if you
  used something other than the default, CTRL/P.

2.1.1  –  t_xmttdb_ses

  Use the Session file field to enter the name of the
  session file from which DTM creates an input file.

2.1.2  –  t_xmttdb_in

  Use the Input file field to specify the file
  specification for the input file.

  If you leave this field blank, DTM uses the session
  file name with the file type of .INP.

2.1.3  –  t_xmttdb_trm

  Use the Termination character field to specify a
  termination character other than the default, CTRL/P.

  DTM interprets the character in this field as the
  termination character when the input file is extracted
  from the session file.

  If you did not use the default termination character
  when you recorded the session file, specify the correct
  character in this field.

2.1.4  –  t_xmttdb_ap

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.

2.1.5  –  t_xmdb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.
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