Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  t_mu, t_rvm
  After running and comparing a collection, use the
  Review menu item to place a selected collection in the
  review state (locks the database), to update benchmark
  files, and to access Display functions.

  The Review menu item produces a submenu that contains
  the Open, Update, and Close operations.

  Initially, the Update and Close submenu items are
  disabled; you cannot access their functions until you
  open a collection for review.

1  –  t_rom

  Choose the Open submenu item to place a previously
  selected collection, from an active collection view
  window, into the review state.

  The resulting dialog box enables you to choose to be
  either a primary or read-only reviewer. As a primary
  reviewer, only you are able to update benchmarks,
  a procedure that locks the database. As a read-
  only reviewer, you can display the contents of the
  collection; DTM does not lock the database.

  You must use the Open submenu item before you can use
  the Update submenu item and Display functions.

1.1  –  t_rodb

  Use the Review Collection dialog box to review a
  collection that you previously selected from an active
  collection view window.

  The dialog box enables you to choose to be a primary
  or read-only reviewer. As a primary reviewer, you are
  able to update benchmarks, a procedure that locks the
  database. As a read-only reviewer, you can display
  the contents of the collection; DTM does not lock the

  You must choose the Open submenu item before you can
  use the Update submenu item and Display functions.

1.1.1  –  t_rodb_sl

  The Selected field lists the collection that you first
  select (highlight) in an active collection view window.

  For the collection that you select, DTM can make its
  result files available for updating (or creating)
  benchmarks. This collection's result, benchmark, and
  difference files are also available for display.

  Optionally, you can explicitly specify a collection
  name in the Collection field.

1.1.2  –  t_rodb_cl

  Use the Collection field to enter the name of the
  collection whose benchmarks you want to update or whose
  result, benchmark, and difference files you want to

  You can specify a collection to DTM by first selecting
  (highlighting) it in an active collection view window,
  or explicitly specifying its name in the Collection

1.1.3  –  t_rodb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).

1.1.4  –  t_rodb_rd

  If you do not want to be a primary reviewer for a
  selected collection, click on the Read only button.

  As a read-only reviewer, you and other reviewers can
  display the contents of the collection; DTM does not
  lock the database.

  You must choose the Open submenu item before you can
  choose the Update submenu item and Display functions.

1.1.5  –  t_ro_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.

1.1.6  –  t_ro_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

2  –  t_rupm

  Choose the Update submenu item to update benchmark

  Use this submenu item to create the first benchmark
  file for a noninteractive test or to replace the
  existing benchmark with the current test results.
  You can create a new benchmark file from the existing
  result file for selected result descriptions.

  To update a benchmark file, a result description
  must have a comparison status of comparison aborted,
  unsuccessful, or new. DTM automatically deletes the
  result file for successful tests.

2.1  –  t_rupmdb

  The Update dialog box enables you to update benchmark

  You can select the result description from the
  collection view and choose the Update submenu item;
  this places the result description in the Selected
  list. If you do not select any result descriptions
  from the collection view, you must specify the result
  description you want to update.

2.1.1  –  t_rupmdb_sel

  When you click on the OK button, the result file for
  the selected result description becomes the updated
  benchmark file for the test.

  This field is disabled if no result descriptions were
  selected from the collection view.

2.1.2  –  t_rupmdb_test

  Use the Test field to specify the result descriptions
  to be updated.

  This field is disabled if you selected a result
  description from the collection view for updating.

2.1.3  –  t_rupmdb_rem

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the updated files.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history entries
  (see additional topics).

2.1.4  –  t_rupmdb_cnf

  When Confirm button is enabled, DTM requests
  confirmation before updating the benchmark files
  associated with the result description.

2.1.5  –  t_rupmdb_ok

  Click on the OK button to update the selected files (or
  the file specified in the Test field).

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.

2.1.6  –  t_rupmdb_can

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

3  –  t_rclm

  Choose the Close submenu item to remove a collection
  from the review state. When you open a collection, the
  database is locked, enabling the primary reviewer to
  update benchmarks. Read-only reviewers can display the
  contents of the collection.

  The Close submenu item is accessible only when a
  collection within the active view is in the review
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