Choose the Run menu item to run a collection interactively. You should execute large collections in batch, unless you need to see the test output displayed on the screen.
1 – t_rdb
The Run dialog box enables you to specify options for running a collection interactively. DTM creates a terminal emulator and runs the collection as a task. You can direct DTM to create a log file for the run operation. You can also specify where DTM is to display or write the output of the run operation.
1.1 – t_rdb_cl
Use the Collection field to enter the name of the collection you want to run. You can specify a collection to DTM by first selecting (highlighting) it in an active collection view window, or explicitly specifying its name in the Collection field.
1.2 – t_rdb_rk
Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that becomes associated with the current operation. The text is logged in the history file of the DTM library. You can selectively display and delete history entries.
1.3 – t_rdb_cf
When the Confirm button is enabled, DTM requests confirmation that you want to run the specified collection.
1.4 – t_rdb_lf
When the Log file button is enabled, DTM creates a log file for the collection. The log file contains output that the test run generates other than the output from the test itself. Use the Log file field to enter a file specification for the created log file. If the button is enabled with an empty field, DTM writes the log file to the task output window.
1.5 – t_rdb_op
When the Output button is enabled, DTM displays or writes a copy of the output of the run operation (that is, the test result files). When the button is disabled, DTM suppresses output. Use the Output field to specify the file or device to which DTM directs the output of the run operation. If the button is disabled with an empty field DTM directs the output to the task output window.
1.6 – t_rdb_ok
Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in the dialog box and remove the dialog box. The border on this button indicates that it is the default choice. You can also choose the default by pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.
1.7 – t_rdb_cn
Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box without applying any of the settings to the selection.