Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  t_mu, t_dm
  Choose the Display menu item to view information about
  a specific test's benchmark, result, or difference file
  that you selected in an active view window.

  DTM provides display control boxes to help you
  navigate through displays for interactive terminal
  and DECwindows tests. The control boxes vary, depending
  on the type of file you choose to display.

  No control boxes are necessary for displaying files
  associated with noninteractive tests. Scroll bars
  provided in the display window let you move through
  the selected files.

1  –  t_d_bkdb

  Use the Display dialog box for interactive tests to
  navigate through the screen displays for result or
  benchmark files.

1.1  –  t_d_bkdb_sn

  The Screen number button toggles the screen number

1.2  –  t_d_bkdb_pb

  The following table shows the four buttons that enable
  you to navigate from one screen to the next in a result
  or benchmark file.

  Button      Description

  Next        Enables you to display the next screen
              in the file. The border on this push
              button indicates that it is the default
              choice; you can also choose the default by
              pressing the RETURN or ENTER key, as well
              as clicking on it with the mouse.
  First       Enables you to display the first screen in
              the file.
  Previous    Enables you to display the previous screen
              in the file.
  Dismiss     Removes the control box.

2  –  t_d_nidb

  Use the Display dialog box for noninteractive tests to
  navigate through the test output for result, benchmark,
  or difference files.

2.1  –  t_d_nidb_txt

  The text window displays the test output.

2.2  –  t_d_nidb_dmsb

  The Dismiss button removes the display window.

3  –  t_d_dfdb

  Use the Display Control dialog box for interactive
  tests to navigate and display differences information.

  The Display Control box enables you to move from screen
  to screen and provides options for how DTM displays the
  difference information.

3.1  –  t_d_dfdb_sn

  The Screen number button toggles the screen number

3.2  –  t_d_dfdb_d

  The Shift Display button shifts the screen display to
  enable parts not initially visible to be seen.

3.3  –  t_d_dfdb_fo

  By clicking on the options field and dragging the
  mouse to one of the buttons, you can choose the format
  for highlighting differences between the result and
  benchmark files.

  o  Bold: DTM highlights differences by bolding them in
     the result file.

  o  Underline: DTM highlights differences by underlining
     and flashing them in the result file.

  Note that once a screen is displayed, the difference
  format for that screen cannot be changed.

3.4  –  t_d_dfdb_npb

  The following table shows you four buttons that enable
  you to navigate from one screen to the next when
  displaying differences.

  Button      Description

  Next        Enables you to display the next screen
              in the file. The border on this push
              button indicates that it is the default
              choice; you can also choose the default by
              pressing the RETURN or ENTER key, as well
              as clicking on it with the mouse.
  First       Enables you to display the first screen in
              the file.
  Previous    Enables you to display the previous screen
              in the file.
  Dismiss     Removes the control box.
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