Library /sys$common/syshlp/DTM$DW_HELPLIB.HLB  —  mu  l_mu
  Use the File menu to perform these library operations:

  o  Choosing a library for current reference

  o  Verifying that a library is valid and uncorrupted

  o  Modifying the attributes of the current DTM library

  o  Creating a library

  You can also manipulate active tasks, close DTM view
  windows, and exit DTM from this menu.

1  –  l_lm

  Choose the Library menu item, which produces a submenu
  of the functions you can perform on DTM libraries. The
  submenu contains these items:

  o  Open...

  o  Verify...

  o  Modify...

  o  Create...

1.1  –  l_lm_om

  Choose the Open... menu item to establish an existing
  DTM library as the current library. The resulting
  dialog box enables you to enter the file specification
  and open a DTM library.

1.1.1  –  l_oldb

  Use the Open Library dialog box to choose an existing
  DTM library for use with DTM operations.

  The chosen library is the current library until you set
  another library or until you log out.

  This dialog box also enables you to verify that the DTM
  library is uncorrupted.  –  l_oldb_lb

  Use the Library field to enter the name of a OpenVMS
  directory that has been previously defined as a DTM

  The directory specification cannot be the current
  default directory, even if this directory is a valid
  DTM library.  –  l_oldb_vr

  Click on the Verify button in one of the following

  Enabled   DTM is to verify that the chosen library is
  button    intact when opened.
  Disabled  DTM is not to verify that the chosen library
  button    is intact when opened.  –  l_oldb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can choose it by pressing the
  RETURN or ENTER key.  –  l_oldb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

1.2  –  l_lm_vm

  Choose the Verify... menu item to have DTM confirm that
  the library's structure and files are in a valid form.

  You can also use the resulting dialog box to correct
  any errors that DTM may find or to reclaim loose blocks
  and delete illegal files found in the library.

1.2.1  –  l_vldb

  The Verify Library dialog box enables you to choose
  operations that detect errors in the library structure,
  files, and collections.

  The DTM library can become invalid if a process or
  job aborts, or the system fails while a command that
  changes the library is executing.

  You can also use this dialog box to correct the errors
  that DTM may find or to reclaim loose blocks and delete
  illegal files found in the library.  –  l_vldb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history
  entries.  –  l_vldb_in

  Click on the Inspect button to evaluate the current DTM
  library structure and files.

  If the library is valid, the operation executes
  successfully. Otherwise, DTM informs you to use the
  Recover operation to attempt library repairs.  –  l_vldb_rr

  Click on the Recover button to correct library errors
  found by DTM in an Inspect operation.

  If the Recover operation does not return the library to
  a valid state, restore the library from a backup tape.  –  l_vldb_rp

  Click on the Repair button to have DTM reclaim
  loose blocks and delete illegal files in the current
  library.  –  l_vldb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can choose it by pressing the
  RETURN or ENTER key.  –  l_vldb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

1.3  –  l_lm_mm

  Choose the Modify menu item to display or modify the
  current library attributes of the following:

  o  Benchmark directory

  o  Template directory

  o  Default collection prologue

  o  Default collection epilogue

1.3.1  –  l_mldb

  Use the Modify Library dialog box to display or modify
  the current library attributes.  –  l_mldb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history
  entries.  –  l_mldb_m

  Click on the following modify buttons to change the
  corresponding settings in the library:

  o  Benchmark directory

  o  Template directory

  o  Prologue

  o  Epilogue

  DTM displays any current settings in the four fields.  –  l_mldb_bk

  DTM stores benchmark files in the DTM library. Click
  on the Benchmark directory button to specify another
  directory (for example, a Code Management System
  library) into which DTM can place the benchmark files.

  To change the benchmark directory, first click on the
  Benchmark directory button. Then replace the current
  directory name in the field with the new directory

  An empty field with an enabled button indicates that
  you want to clear any library default directory that
  you previously specified.  –  l_mldb_tp

  DTM stores template files in the current default
  directory. Click on the Template directory button
  to specify another directory (for example, a Code
  Management System library) into which DTM can place
  the template files.

  To change the template directory, first click on the
  Template directory button. Then replace the current
  directory name in the field with the new directory

  An empty field with an enabled button indicates that
  you want to clear any library default directory that
  you previously specified.  –  l_mldb_pg

  Click on the Prologue button to create a default
  collection prologue file. All subsequently created
  collections will invoke this file whenever DTM executes
  them, unless you explicitly specify a different
  collection prologue when you create the collection.

  To change the default prologue file, first click on the
  Prologue button. Then replace the current prologue name
  in the field with the new prologue name.

  An empty field with an enabled button indicates that
  you want to cancel any default collection prologue that
  you previously specified.  –  l_mldb_eg

  Click on the Epilogue button to create a default
  collection epilogue file. All subsequently created
  collections will invoke this file whenever DTM executes
  the collections, unless you explicitly specify a
  different collection epilogue when you create the

  To change the default epilogue file, first click on the
  Epilogue button. Then replace the current epilogue name
  in the field with the new epilogue name.

  An empty field with an enabled button indicates that
  you want to cancel any default collection epilogue that
  you previously specified.  –  l_mldb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  l_mldb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

1.4  –  l_lm_cm

  Choose the Create... menu item to create a DTM library.

  The newly created library automatically becomes the
  referenced library for any DTM operations.

1.4.1  –  l_cldb

  Use the Create Library dialog box to create a DTM
  library and set the library attributes.

  You can specify the following library attributes:

  o  Benchmark directory

  o  Template directory

  o  Default collection prologue

  o  Default collection epilogue  –  l_cldb_lb

  Use the library field to enter the name of an empty
  directory that you created with the DCL CREATE command
  with the /DIRECTORY qualifier or, with the DECwindows
  FileView Utility menu.

  The directory specification must follow OpenVMS
  specifications for directory names.

  Do not specify the current default directory or a
  directory that contains files.  –  l_cldb_rk

  Use the Remark field to optionally enter text that
  becomes associated with the current operation.

  The text is logged in the history file of the DTM

  You can selectively display and delete history
  entries.  –  l_cldb_bk

  To specify a benchmark directory, specify the directory
  name in the benchmark directory field.

  DTM stores benchmark files in a DTM library. Use the
  Benchmark directory field to specify another directory
  (for example, a Code Management System library) into
  which DTM can place the benchmark files.  –  l_cldb_tp

  DTM stores template files in the current default
  directory. Use the Template directory field to specify
  another directory (for example, a Code Management
  System library) into which DTM can place the template

  To specify a template directory, enter the directory
  name in the template directory field.  –  l_cldb_pg

  Use the Prologue field to specify a default collection
  prologue file. All subsequently created collections
  will invoke this file whenever DTM executes the
  collections, unless you explicitly specify a different
  collection prologue.  –  l_cldb_eg

  Use the Epilogue field to specify a default collection
  epilogue file. All subsequently created collections
  will invoke this file whenever DTM executes the
  collections, unless you explicitly specify a different
  collection epilogue.  –  l_cldb_ok

  Click on the OK button to apply the current settings in
  the dialog box and remove the dialog box.

  The border on this button indicates that it is the
  default choice. You can also choose the default by
  pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.  –  l_cldb_cn

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without applying any of the settings to the selection.

2  –  l_tm

  Choose the Tasks... menu item to list the active
  processes that DTM is currently running.

  The resulting dialog box enables you to stop or delete
  a process.

2.1  –  l_tmdb

  The Tasks dialog box displays the active processes that
  DTM is currently running. This box enables you to stop
  or delete a process.

2.1.1  –  l_tmdb_dt

  When you click on (highlight) a process name and click
  on the Delete Task button, DTM stops the process and
  dismisses any windows associated with the task.

2.1.2  –  l_tmdb_st

  When you click on (highlight) a process name and click
  on the Stop Task button, DTM stops the process but does
  not dismiss the windows associated with the task.

2.1.3  –  l_tmdb_dms

  The Dismiss button removes the Task dialog box.

2.1.4  –  l_tmdb_tl

  The Tasks in Progress list box displays the active
  processes that are running on DTM. When you click on
  (highlight) a process name, you can then stop or delete
  the process.

3  –  l_cm

  Choose the Close menu item to close the active view
  window when more than one view window is open. This
  enables you to close the active window without leaving

  You must choose this menu item from the active view

  This menu item is inactive if only one window is open.

4  –  l_xm

  Choose the Exit menu item to end the DTM session.
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