Library /sys$common/syshlp/DFUHLP.HLB  —  DFU  Screen Management
 This version of DFU uses Screen Management (SMG) routines to
 perform output. DFU will automatically select SMG unless
 the terminal does not have SMG capabilities, if DFU is executed in
 a batch job or if the logical DFU$NOSMG is defined.
 In any of these 3 cases DFU will switch to normal line oriented

1  –  Line Mode

 DFU can be forced to line mode output by defining the logical
 DFU$NOSMG to any value.

2  –  Special Keys

 In SMG mode the following keys perform special functions (Keys between
 () are keys on a PC keyboard) :

 o CTRL/W                : Redraws the screen
 o HELP or PF2 (/)       : Invokes the help facility
 o PF4         (-)       : Dumps the screen contents to file DFU_SCREEN.TXT
 o PREV_SCREEN (PageUp)  : Scrolls the output window back (one screen)
 o NEXT_SCREEN (PageDown): Scrolls the output window forward (one screen)
 o INSERTHERE  (Insert)  : Scrolls the output window back (one line)
 o REMOVE      (Delete)  : Scrolls the output window forward (one line)
 o SELECT      (End)     : Toggle between 80/132 columns
 o UP/DOWN               : Recall command buffer

3  –  Paging-output

 In SMG mode the /PAGE qualifier will present output page by page.
 This may be handy for some commands which produce a large
 amount of output (SEARCH, REPORT).
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