Library /sys$common/syshlp/DFUHLP.HLB  —  DFU  SET
 Modifies  the  characteristics  of  one  or more  files.  It handles
 all attributes which 'SET FILE' can't handle.


     SET file-spec[,...],@file

1  –  Parameters


   Specifies one or more files to be modified.  If two or more files
   are specified, separate them with commas. A filelist may be used
   by specifying @file. Thus, an output file generated by a
   DFU SEARCH command can be used to be processed with SET.

   Wildcard characters are allowed in the file specifications.

2  –  Qualifiers



   Controls whether a new file access date is  assigned to  the  specified
   files.  Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter
   1 of the VMS  DCL  Concepts  Manual.   Absolute  date  keywords  are



   Controls whether a new lats attribute change date is  assigned
   to  the  specified files.  Specify the date according to the rules
   described in Chapter 1 of the VMS  DCL  Concepts  Manual.
   Absolute  date  keywords  are allowed.



   Controls whether a new  backup date is  assigned  to  the  specified
   files.  Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter
   1 of the VMS  DCL  Concepts  Manual.   Absolute  date  keywords  are
   allowed. Use of this qualifier requires ownership of the file or
   access control.

2.4    /BADACL


   Sets or  resets the 'BAD ACL' flag in the file header.  This enables
   deletion of a file with a corrupted ACL.

2.5    /BCK


  Clears or sets the file's nobackup bit.
  (/BCK clears the bit, /NOBCK sets the bit).



   Sets a new value for the bucket size in the file header.

2.7    /CONFIRM

  /NOCONFIRM (default)

   Controls whether a  request is issued before each individual SET
   operation  to confirm that the operation should be performed on that

   When the system issues the prompt, issue any of the following responses:

        YES      NO     QUIT

        TRUE     FALSE  <CTRL/Z>

        1        0      ALL




   Sets or resets the 'CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY' bit in the file header.



   Controls whether a new creation date is  assigned to  the  specified
   files.  Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter
   1 of the VMS  DCL  Concepts  Manual.   Absolute  date  keywords  are
   allowed. Use of this qualifier requires ownership of the file or
   access control.

2.10    /DIRECTORY


   Sets  or resets the  directory  attribute of a file. This  qualifier
   allows to set  the directory bit of a file which was mistakingly
   reset by the 'SET FILE/NODIRECTORY' command. If it is done on a non-
   directory   file,  then  access   to  that  directory  will  give  a
   'BADIRECTORY' error.

2.11    /EBLOCK


   This qualifier will reset the  end-of-file mark to the highest block
   allocated if no block has been specified.  Otherwise the end-of-file
   mark will be set to the specified block.

2.12    /EBYTE


   This qualifier  will set the  end-of-file byte mark to the highest
   byte if it has not been specified. Otherwise the  end-of-file byte
   mark will be set to the specified byte.



   Controls whether an expiration date is  assigned  to  the  specified
   files.  Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter
   1 of the VMS  DCL  Concepts  Manual.   Absolute  date  keywords  are
   allowed. Use of this qualifier requires ownership of the file or
   access control.

2.14    /IDENT

   /IDENT=identifier or uic

   Modifies the file-owner. This command can also be used on open
   files (such as INDEXF.SYS). /IDENT cannot be combined with

2.15    /IGNORE


   Set the file attributes even if the file is open or locked.

2.16    /LOCKED


   This qualifier will  lock a file  for future use.  Nothing else  can
   then be done with the file, until it is unlocked  (which can also be
   done with the VMS 'UNLOCK' command.

2.17    /LOG

  /LOG (default)

   Controls whether the SET command displays the file specification
   of each file after the modification is made.

2.18    /MAXREC


   Sets a new value for the maximum record number in the file header.

2.19    /NOMOVE


   Disables or enables the MoveFile attribute.



   The following  keywords are used as  parameters for the ORGANIZATION

   This will allow to modify the file organization type in the file
   header.  Of course this  won't change  the real  organization of the

2.21    /OWNER_UIC

   /OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier

   Modifies the file-owner. This command can also be used on open
   files (such as INDEXF.SYS). /OWNER_UIC can not be combined
   with /IDENT.



   The   following   keywords   are   used   as  parameters   for   the

   This  will allow to  modify the  file's record attributes in the
   file header.

   NONE, FORTRAN, IMPLIED and PRINT are mutually exclusive,  but can be
   used in combination with NOSPAN.

   When  NOSPAN is omitted  SPAN is  assumed (the  default is  to allow
   records to cross block boundaries).

2.23    /RECSIZE


   Sets a new value for the record size in the file header.

2.24    /RECTYPE


   The  following  keywords  are  used as  parameters  for  the RECTYPE
   and VFC.

   This  will allow  to  modify the  file's record type in the file



   Controls whether a revision date is assigned to the specified files.
   Specify the  date according to the  rules described  in Chapter 1 of
   the VMS  DCL Concepts  Manual.  Absolute date  keywords are allowed.
   Use of  this qualifier requires ownership of the file or access control.

2.26    /RVCOUNT


   Sets a new value for the revision count in the file header.

2.27    /UPDATE

  /NOUPDATE (default)

   Normally  the  file's  revision  date  will  be  updated  after  any
   modification to it.  SET however disables this update (otherwise
   the REVISION date could  not be set).  Specify this qualifier if
   the revision date must be updated.



   Change the file's version limit. Can be used with /IGNORE=INTERLOCK
   to change the version limit of an open file. However: this will only
   work when the filename specified is the highest existing version
   of that file (this will be automatic when the version limit is not
   specified on the command line).
   The specified version limit must be between 0 and 32767.
   This command has no effect on directory files.

2.29    /VFCSIZE


   Sets a new value  for the  VFC size in  the file header.  This value
   will only be used with the VFC record type.
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