The DECset Context window is the main window of the Environment
Manager's graphical user interface. Select the Context option
from the DECset tool selection pull-down menu to bring up the
DECset Context window.
The DECset context window consists of the following working
o menu bar
o context specification area
o dialog buttons area
By default, the DECset Environment Manager tries to load a
context database. The default context database is specified
by the translation of the DECSET$CONTEXT_DB logical name;
if this logical name is undefined, SYS$LOGIN:DECSET$KNOWN_
CONTEXTS.DECSET_CONTEXT_DB is used as the default database if
that file exists.
The default context is specified by the translation of the
DECSET$CONTEXT logical name; if this logical name is undefined,
SAMPLE is used as the default context if a database entry exists
for the SAMPLE context.
Additional Information: