Library /sys$common/syshlp/DECSET$ENVMGR.HLB  —  cgui  mwin MnWind, MenuBar 1, Settings Casc, mmsOptions Casc
    The MMS Options allows for selecting options that are to be used
    when MMS is invoked. These options are:

    o Input/Output -  This selection sets options for the MMS command
                      and these options correspond to MMS command line

    o Definition/Directive - This selection sets options for the MMS
                            command and these options correspond to
                            MMS command line qualifiers.

    o MMS Macros - This selection sets options that direct MMS to add
                   to or override definitions in the description file.

    o Generator Options - This selection sets options for the MMS
                          Generate command and these options correspond
                          to MMS Generate command line qualifiers.

    o Linker Object Library - Allows for setting of a Link object library

    o Linker Options - Allows for setting of a Link Options File

    o Object Library - Allows for setting of a Object library

1  –  lnklib Btn

    The Linker Object Libraries... menu item brings up a dialog box.

    Enter a directory specification into the Directory field and
    click on either of the Append or Add Before Selected buttons
    to add the directory in the appropriate place in the Directory
    List field. The Directory List field contains a search list of
    directory specifications, one directory specification per line.

    If Linker Object library information exists for the current context,
    that information is shown in the Directory List field when the
    dialog box is managed. Delete items from the directory list by
    selecting the appropriate item(s) in the Directory List field and
    clicking on the Delete Selected button. The OK button accepts the
    directory list and dismisses the dialog box. The Cancel button
    dismisses the dialog box without changing the linker object library.

    Click on the Select... button to specify the directory.

2  –  lnkOptions Btn

    The MMS Linker Options... menu item from the MMS Options... menu
    brings up a dialog box.

    Click on the Select... button to bring up a file selection widget
    that allows you to choose an options file.

    Enter a linker options file specification into the Options File
    field and clicks on either of the Append or Add Before Selected
    buttons to add the options file specification in the appropriate
    place in the Options File List field.

    The Options File List field contains an ordered list of options
    file specifications, one file specification per line. Delete
    items from the options file list by selecting the appropriate
    item(s) in the Options File List field and clicking on the Delete
    Selected button. The OK button accepts the options file list and
    dismisses the dialog box. The Cancel button dismisses the dialog
    box without changing the current options file list.

    Press Select... to specify the options file.

3  –  gen options Btn

    The MMS Generator Options... menu item from the MMS Options... menu
    brings up a dialog box.

    Click on the Scan_Include button to enable or disable the use of
    C include file during the creation of an MMS description file.

    Click on the Builtin_Rules to enable or disable the use of the
    built-in rules during the creation of an MMS description file.

    The Additional Compile Switches allows for entering of additional
    compiler switches to be addwd to the command Line when creating a
    an MMS description file.

    The Additional Linker Switches allows for entering of additional
    Link switches to be addwd to the command Line when creating a
    an MMS description file.

4  –  mmsBldOptions Casc

    The Input/Output... menu item from the MMS Options... menu brings
    up a dialog box.

    Use this dialog box to set options for the MMS command-these
    options correspond to MMS command line qualifiers. If the
    currently-selected context already includes any of these MMS
    option settings, this dialog box reflects that information;
    otherwise, the default settings are represented.

    The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows:

    o  Input label - Click on the buttons and use the text fields
       following this label to specify input files for any subsequent

       -  Description File push button-click on this button to
          bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the MMS
          description file.

          +  Description file toggle button-click on this button
             to specify an MMS description file for any subsequent

          +  Description file text field-enter the file specification
             of the MMS description file. If the file selection box
             is used, this field will be filled in with the selected

       -  Regard as Changed toggle button-click on this button to
          direct MMS to treat only the specified sources as having
          been changed, regardless of their actual modification
          times. No date checking is performed at all; that is MMS
          simply rebuilds any targets that depend on one or more of
          the specified sources.

          +  Changed Source text field-enter the file specifications
             of the source files to be regarded as changed. If more
             than one source is indicated, use a comma-separated
             list. If the file selection box is used, this field will
             be filled in with the selected file.

    o  Output label - The buttons and text fields following this
       label are implemented as toggle buttons, although some require
       additional information. If an additional file specification
       needs to be specified, a file selection widget is used.

    o  OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the
       current context.

    o  Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes

    o  Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing
       the dialog box.

4.1  –  cg dd options Btn

    The Definition/Directive... menu item from the MMS Options...
    menu brings up a dialog box.

    Use this dialog box to set options for the MMS command-these
    options correspond to MMS command line qualifiers. If the
    currently-selected context already includes any of these MMS
    settings, this dialog box reflects that information; otherwise,
    the default settings are represented.

    The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows:

    o  Definitions label - Click on the buttons and use the text
       fields following this label to specify definition files for
       any subsequent build.

       -  Macro Definitions toggle button-click on this button to
          direct MMS to add to or override the macro definitions in
          the description file.

          +  Macro Definitions file push button-click on this button
             to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the
             Macro definitions file.

          +  Macro Definitions file text field-enter the file
             specification of the Macro definitions file. If the
             file selection box is used, this field will be filled in
             with the selected file.

       -  Rules toggle button-click on this button to direct MMS to
          apply user-defined built-in rules and a suffixes precedence
          list when it builds a system.

          +  Rules file push button-click on this button to bring up
             a file selection dialog box to specify the Rules file.

          +  Rules file text field-enter the file specification of
             the Rules file. If the file selection box is used, this
             field will be filled in with the selected file.

       -  Override Macros toggle button-click on this button to
          control the order in which MMS applies definitions when
          it processes macros.

    o  Directives label - The buttons and text fields following this
       label are implemented as toggle buttons, although some require
       additional information. If an additional file specification
       needs to be specified, a file selection widget is used.

    o  OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the
       current context.

    o  Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes

    o  Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing
       the dialog box.

5  –  mmsMacros Btn

    The MMS Macros... menu item from the MMS Options... menu brings
    up the Macro Definitions dialog box.

6  –  objlib Btn

    Sets the directory specification for the Library to be used that contains
    the object files
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