Change the registered name for a node in a directory service.

     RENAME [DECNET] NODE old-node-name NEW_NAME new-node-name
         [ DIRECTORY_SERVICE dir-service ]
         [ SYNONYM new-synonym-name ]
         [ REVERSE_DIRECTORY rev-dir-name ]
         [ SYNONYM_DIRECTORY syn-dir-name ]

 This is used when a node's name has been changed, and that change needs
 to be reflected in a directory service.  The attribute values stored
 under the name remain unchanged.

 Nodes can be renamed only within a directory service.  They cannot be
 renamed from one type of directory service to another.

 This function only changes the name in the directory service, and does not
 directly affect the name on the node itself.  To change the name on the
 node, use the node's network configuration utility.

1  –  NODE

 This specifies the name of the node to be renamed.

     NODE old-node-name

 The node name must be the fully specified name for the node in the
 directory service.  For example:

     For Local:      NODE MailHub
     For DECdns:     NODE MyCo:.Sales.MailHub
     For Phase IV:   NODE MLHUB

2  –  NEW_NAME

 This specifies the new name for the node.

     NEW_NAME new-node-name

 The new node name must be a fully specified name for the node in the
 directory service.  For example:

     For Local:      NODE MailHub
     For DECdns:     NODE MyCo:.Sales.MailHub
     For Phase IV:   NODE MLHUB


 This specifies the directory service that contains the node to be renamed.

     DIRECTORY_SERVICE dir-service

 The service must be one of:


 If not specified, the default service type is used.  This default can be
 displayed or changed using the SHOW or SET DEFAULT commands.


 This specifies the new Phase IV synonym for the node.  Phase IV synonyms
 can be used in place of fully specified node names, particularly with
 applications that do not support full node names.

     SYNONYM new-synonym-name

 The synonym must be from 1 to 6 letters (A to Z) or digits (0 to 9), with
 at least one letter.  To explicitly specify that the node has no Phase IV
 synonym, use two quotation marks ("") for the Phase IV synonym name.  For

     SYNONYM ""

 If the SYNONYM parameter is not specified, the previous synonym name is


 This specifies the base directory or name entry to use when redirecting
 the reverse address mapping links (also called back translation links)
 from the old to the new node name.

     REVERSE_DIRECTORY rev-dir-name

 The links under this directory are used to map NSAP values to their
 respective node names.  These directories are used only for the DECdns
 directory service.

 If not specified, the default reverse directory is used.  This default
 can be displayed or changed using the SHOW or SET DEFAULT commands.

 For more information, please refer to the NAMES_AND_DIRECTORIES topic.


 This specifies the base directory or name entry to use when redirecting
 the synonym mapping link from the old to the new node name.

     SYNONYM_DIRECTORY syn-dir-name

 The links under this directory are used to map Phase IV synonyms to
 their respective node names.  These directories are used only for the
 DECdns directory service.

 If not specified, the default synonym directory is used.  This default
 can be displayed or changed using the SHOW or SET DEFAULT commands.

 For more information, please refer to the NAMES_AND_DIRECTORIES topic.
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