Library /sys$common/syshlp/DECNET_MIGRATE.HLB  —  Usage Information, Network Path Information
 This function displays the paths that node-to-node communication may
 take through the network.  This allows you to determine what effect the
 transition from Phase IV to DECnet-Plus has had on the network's
 communication paths.

     SHOW PATH -
       [FROM = {node-name | osi-net | osi-area | ph4-addr | ph4-area }] -
       [TO   = {node-name | osi-net | osi-area | ph4-addr | ph4-area }] -
       [FORMAT = { BRIEF | FULL }] -
       [OUTPUT_FILE = output-file-name]

 The first and last nodes in the path can be specified using either DECdns
 full names, Phase IV synonym names, OSI network entity titles (NETs), OSI
 network areas, Phase IV addresses, or Phase IV areas.  If an area is
 specified, the first node found in that area will be used.

 If FROM is not specified, the first node is assumed to be the local node.
 If TO is not specified, the last node is assumed to be the local node.
 You must specify at least one of these (they cannot both be defaulted).

 If more than one path can be found between the specified nodes, all paths
 will be displayed.
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