Library /sys$common/syshlp/DECNET_MIGRATE.HLB  —  Usage Information, Interphase Link Setup, Complex Configurations
 If your network configuration consists of multiple DECnet Phase IV
 routing vector subnetworks connected by DECnet-Plus link state
 subnetworks, you must run the CREATE IPL function multiple times on
 each DECnet-Plus link state level 2 router that needs interphase links.

 An example of this type of configuration might be:

  +--------------+ Interphase  +----------+             +--------------+
  |Routing Vector| Link circuit|Link State|             |Routing Vector|
  |L2 router     |- - - - - - -|L2 router |             |L2 router     |
  |in Area 1     |             |in Area 3 |             |in Area 5     |
  +--------------+             +----------+             +--------------+
         |                          |                          |
  +--------------+             +----------+ Interphase  +--------------+
  |Routing Vector|             |Link State| Link circuit|Routing Vector|
  |L2 router     |             |L2 router |- - - - - - -|L2 router     |
  |in Area 2     |             |in Area 4 |             |in Area 6     |
  +--------------+             +----------+             +--------------+

 If you use the CREATE IPL command only once for each target router, in
 area 3 first and area 4 second, the area 1 router will only be given
 routing information about areas 4 and 6, and not about area 5 (the area 1
 router will already have information about areas 2 and 3).  This is
 because area 3 does not yet have information about area 5, since this is
 a non-adjacent area.  The area 6 router will, however, be given
 information on all areas in the network, because the area 4 router will
 have already been given information about area 2 from the area 3
 interphase links.

 To rectify this, you must use the CREATE IPL command on the area 3
 router a second time, so that it can pick up the new information that
 area 4 now has about area 5.

 The same is true for configurations that consist of multiple DECnet-Plus
 link state subnetworks connected by DECnet Phase IV routing vector
 subnetworks.  For example:

  +----------+ Interphase  +--------------+             +----------+
  |Link State| Link circuit|Routing Vector|             |Link State|
  |L2 router |- - - - - - -|L2 router     |             |L2 router |
  |in Area 1 |             |in Area 3     |             |in Area 5 |
  +----------+             +--------------+             +----------+
       |                          |                          |
  +----------+             +--------------+ Interphase  +----------+
  |Link State|             |Routing Vector| Link circuit|Link State|
  |L2 router |             |L2 router     |- - - - - - -|L2 router |
  |in Area 2 |             |in Area 4     |             |in Area 6 |
  +----------+             +--------------+             +----------+

 Because there are many ways these types of configurations can be
 arranged, the simplest way to guarantee that all target routers have all
 required interphase links is to:

  1) Use the CREATE IPL command on each router in turn, waiting
     approximately 15 minutes between using the resulting command file
     to create interphase links on one target router, and executing
     the CREATE IPL command against the next target router.  The waiting
     period is intended to help guarantee that routing information
     resulting from the newly created interphase links is fully propagated
     throughout the network.  A period of 15 minutes should be sufficient
     for even very large networks.

  2) Do step 1 "n" times, where "n" is the number of routers that are
     to have interphase links created.
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