If you invoked the heap analyzer from within a debugging session, start your application by performing the following steps: 1. Click on the Start button in the Push Button Control Panel. The Message Window displays an "application starting" message, and the Start button label changes to Step. The OpenVMS Debbugger main window pops forward. 2. Click on the Go button in the OpenVMS Debugger's control panel, and iconize the OpenVMS Debugger window. Memory events associated with your application begin showing in the Memory Map. (If you invoked the heap analyzer outside a debugging session, start your application by performing only step 1 above.) After your application is running, the Memory Map (and other parts of the heap analyzer display) are continuously updated to reflect the state of your application. Unless you intervene (by clicking one of the push buttons in the heap analyzer control panel), this updating continues until an occurrence causes memory events to stop. For example, your application might prompt for input, the debugger might prompt for input, or your application might finish execution.