1.DBG> TYPE 160 module COBOLTEST 160: START-IT-PARA. DBG> TYPE module COBOLTEST 161: MOVE SC1 TO ES0. DBG> In this example, the first TYPE command displays line 160, using the current scope to locate the module containing that line number. The second TYPE command, entered without specifying a line number, displays the next line in that module. 2.DBG> TYPE 160:163 module COBOLTEST 160: START-IT-PARA. 161: MOVE SC1 TO ES0. 162: DISPLAY ES0. 163: MOVE SC1 TO ES1. DBG> This command displays lines 160 to 163, using the current scope to locate the module. 3.DBG> TYPE SCREEN_IO\7,22:24 This command displays line 7 and lines 22 to 24 in module SCREEN_IO.