Executes a sequence of commands if a language expression (Boolean expression) is evaluated as true. Format IF Boolean-expression THEN (command[; . . . ]) [ELSE (command[; . . . ])]
1 – Parameters
Boolean-expression Specifies a language expression that evaluates as a Boolean value (true or false) in the currently set language. command Specifies a debugger command. If you specify more than one command, you must separate the commands with semicolons (;).
2 – Description
The IF command evaluates a Boolean expression. If the value is true (as defined in the current language), the command list in the THEN clause is executed. If the expression is false, the command list in the ELSE clause (if any) is executed. Related commands: EXITLOOP FOR REPEAT WHILE
3 – Example
DBG> SET BREAK R DO (IF X .LT. 5 THEN (GO) ELSE (EXAMINE X)) This command causes the debugger to suspend program execution at location R (a breakpoint) and then resume program execution if the value of X is less than 5 (Fortran example). If the value of X is 5 or more, its value is displayed.