Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET TRACE/ACTIVATING command.
2 /ALL
By default, activates all user-defined tracepoints. When used with /PREDEFINED, activates all predefined tracepoints but no user-defined tracepoints. To activate all tracepoints, use /ALL/USER/PREDEFINED.
Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET TRACE/BRANCH command.
Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET TRACE/CALL command.
/EVENT=event-name Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET TRACE/EVENT=event-name command. Specify the event name (and address expression, if any) exactly as specified with the SET TRACE/EVENT command. To identify the current event facility and the associated event names, use the SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command.
Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET TRACE/EXCEPTION command.
Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET TRACE/INSTRUCTION command.
Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET TRACE/LINE command.
Activates a specified predefined tracepoint without affecting any user-defined tracepoints. When used with /ALL, activates all predefined tracepoints.
Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET TRACE/TERMINATING command.
11 /USER
Activates a specified user-defined tracepoint without affecting any predefined tracepoints. To activate all user-defined tracepoints, use the /ALL qualifier.