1 COLLECT The COLLECT command takes a snapshot of current tracing activity. Format: COLLECT [qualifier] If you start tracing with a START/NOCOLLECT command, the collected trace records are copied to an internal CTF buffer. When the buffer is full, new trace records overwrite the oldest trace records in the buffer. Thus, the buffer provides a snapshot of the most recent trace history. When you issue a COLLECT command, the current contents of the buffer are then processed as they normally are for live or detached tracing. 2 Comand Qualifiers The command has a single optional qualifier: /PROCESS_NAME 2 /PROCESS_NAME Specifies the name of the trace server process that is to collect the data. This must be the same process that you specify in the /PROCESS_NAME qualifier in the START/NOCOLLECT command that you issued to start snapshot tracing. If you do not specify a process name, then CTF will use the process named username$CTF. You cannot specify a process name if you issue the COLLECT command while performing live tracing. 2 Examples CTF> COLLECT If you are performing detached tracing, writes trace records collected by the default trace server process username$CTF and writes them to CTF$TRACE.DAT. If you are performing live tracing, the trace records are displayed on your terminal. CTF> COLLECT /PROC=SMITH$CTF_Z Writes trace records collected by the process SMITH$CTF_Z to CTF$TRACE.DAT. You must have previously issued a START/NOCOLLECT command naming SMITH$CTF_Z in the /PROCESS_NAME qualifier.