Library /sys$common/syshlp/CTF$HELP.HLB  —  SPAWN
 The SPAWN command creates a sub-process of the current process.


 	SPAWN [/qualifiers] [command-string]

1  –  Parameters

 The command has the following optional parameter.


 	Specifies a command string of up to 131 characters that is to
 	be executed in the context of the created sub-process.

 	When the command completes, the sub-process terminates and
 	control returns to the parent process.

 	If you do not specify a command string, a sub-process is
 	created and remains until you log out.

2  –  Command qualifiers

 The command has the following qualifiers:


3    /INPUT


 	Specifies an input file that contains one or more DCL
 	commands to be executed by the spawned sub-process.
 	Once processing of the input file is complete, the sub-process
 	is terminated.

 	If both the command-string parameter and the /INPUT qualifier
 	are specified, the command string is executed before the DCL
 	commands in the file specified by the /INPUT qualifier.



 	Specifies whether process logical names and logical name
 	tables are to be copied to the spawned sub-process.

 	The default is LOGICAL_NAMES.

5    /OUTPUT


 	Specifies the name of the output file to which the spawned
 	sub-process writes its output.

 	The default is SYS$OUTPUT.



 	Specifies the name of the sub-process to be created.

 	By default, a unique process name is assigned with the same
 	base name as the parent process and a unique number.

7    /PROMPT


 	Specifies the prompt for DCL to use within the sub-process.

 	By default, SPAWN copies the current prompt from the parent



 	Specifies whether the system passes DCL global and local
 	symbols to the sub-process.

 	The default is /SYMBOLS.

9    /WAIT


 	Specifies whether the system waits until the current
 	sub-process is completed before allowing more commands to be
 	issued by the parent process.

 	The default is /WAIT.

10  –  Examples


 	Spawns a sub-process in which a SHOW SYSTEM command is
 	executed, after which control returns to the parent process.


 	Spawns a sub-process and executes the DCL commands in
 	CMDS.COM, after which control returns to the parent process.


 	Also executes the DCL commands in CMDS.COM, but returns
 	control immediately to the parent process without waiting for
 	the spawned sub-process to complete. Any output produced by
 	the sub-process is written to CMDS_OUT.LIS.
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