Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  re_v_ele
  An element that has been placed under review should
  be examined or monitored before it is accepted into
  or canceled from the library.

  You can place an element under review in one of the
  following ways:

  o  When you create the element. Pull down the File
     Menu; choose the New Element... menu item, then
     then specify the "Mark new generations for review"
     option from the New Element dialog box.

  o  When you modify the element.  Pull down the
     Maintenance Menu; choose the Modify... submenu,
     then choose the Element... menu item.  Specify the
     "Mark new generations for review" option from the
     Modify Element dialog box.

  o  By directly placing the element under review. Pull
     down the Maintenance Menu; choose the Review...
     submenu, then choose the Mark... menu item.  Specify
     the desired options.

  For a more detailed explanation of the review process,
  double click on the Review Submenu from the additional
  topics below.
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