Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  M_M, Ac  Ac db, Ac ob
  Fill in the Object field with the name of one or more
  objects whose access control lists (ACLs) are to be
  created, modified, or deleted.  Wildcards and a comma
  list are allowed.

  The name in the Object field depends on the Object type.
  For example, if the Object type is Class, the object name
  must be the name of a class in the CMS library. The same
  principle applies to elements and groups.

  If the Object type is Library, the Object field must
  contain one or more of the following keywords:


  If the Object type is Command, the Object field must
  contain the name of a CMS command. Commands that
  contain two words must be specified with an underscore;
  for example, INSERT_ELEMENT.
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