Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  C m, Vw mi, Vw text
  The Display Style options direct CMS to display the
  startup view using the method you specify. You can choose
  one of the following buttons:

  o  Textual--directs CMS to display the startup view
     in textual-outline form.  This is the default.

  o  Outline--directs CMS to display the startup view
     in vertical-outline form.  Click on the navigational
     icon to pop up the CMS Navigation Window. The
     navigational icon is located in the lower right-hand
     corner of the view window.

  o  Tree--directs CMS to display the startup view
     in a tree structure.  Click on the navigational
     icon to pop up the CMS Navigation Window. The
     navigational icon is located in the lower right-hand
     corner of the view window.
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