Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  Overview  Using Classes
  A class is a set of particular generations of elements.
  You typically combine generations into classes to
  represent the state of elements at a particular time or

  For example, you might create a class containing only
  those generations of elements that were used to produce
  the first draft of a manual in base level 1.

  A class name is a string of 39 or fewer characters that
  consists of letters, digits, underlines, hyphens, dollar
  signs, and periods.  Class names must begin with a letter.

  You can perform the following functions on classes:

  o  Create and delete classes
  o  Fetch, reserve, replace, review, and set an access
     control list (ACL) on the contents of a class
  o  Insert generations into a class
  o  Remove generations from a class
  o  Set or change the attributes of a class
  o  View the contents and attributes of a class

1  –  Class attrs

  You can change the following types of class attributes:

  o  The name of the class
  o  The creation remark associated with the class
  o  The readonly attribute of the class

  Use the following steps to display a class's

  1. Display a Class view.
  2. Choose the desired class.
  3. Pull down the View menu.
  4. Pull down the Expand submenu.
  5. Choose the Attributes menu item.

  Use the following steps to set or change a class's

  1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.
  2. Pull down the Modify submenu.
  3. Choose the Class... menu item.

  A dialog box appears, allowing you to change the
  desired attributes.
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