Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  V m, Vnv mi
  Choose the New view submenu to display a list of all
  available types of views.  You can choose one of the
  following types:  element, group, class, reservation,
  history, review, and command.

  CMS displays a new view window that contains the type
  of view you chose.

  To close a window when you have multiple view windows
  open, pull down the View menu, then choose Close View.
  The Close View menu item is located in both the File
  and View menus, and has the same function in both menus.

1  –  Vnv nemi

  Choose the New Element View menu item to open a new
  view window that displays all the elements in the current
  library. CMS lists the elements in alphabetical order.

  Double click on a specific element to expand it to
  display the list of generations that belong to the

  If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays
  the name of each library in the library list.  You must
  separately expand each library into its elements.

2  –  Vnv ngmi

  Choose the New Group View menu item to open a new
  view window that displays all the groups in the current

  Double click on a specific group to expand it to display
  the list of elements and other groups contained in the

  If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays
  the name of each library in the library list.  You must
  separately expand each library into its groups.

3  –  Vnv ncmi

  Choose the New Class View menu item to open a new
  view window that displays all the classes in the current

  Double click on a specific class to expand it to display
  the list of generations contained in the class.

  If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays
  the name of each library in the library list.  You must
  separately expand each library into its classes.

4  –  Vnv nrmi

  Choose the New Reservation View menu item to open a
  new view window that displays the elements whose
  generations that are reserved in the current library.

  Double click on a reserved element to expand it into
  individual generation reservations.  Double click on
  a reserved generation to expand it into the following

  o  Its reservation identification number
  o  The name of the user who has it reserved
  o  The generation number
  o  The date, time, and remark associated with
     the reservation

  If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only
  the name of each library in the library list.  You must
  separately expand each library into its reserved elements
  and generations.

5  –  Vnv hvmi

  Choose the New History View menu item to open a new view
  window that displays a chronological list of the history
  records for each CMS transaction performed in the

  Each history record contains the following:

  o  Date and time of the transaction
  o  The username of the user who performed the action
  o  The transaction that was performed
  o  The name of the element and generation number
  o  The remark associated with the transaction

  If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only
  the name of each library in the library list.  You must
  separately expand each library into its history records.

6  –  Vnv rmi

  Choose the New Review View menu item to open a new
  view window that displays a list of all elements and
  generations that currently have reviews pending in that

  Double click on a specific element under review to expand
  it into its individual generations under review.  Double
  click on a generation to expand it into a list of review
  comments, if any.  CMS then displays the following:

  o  The generation number of the element
  o  The name of the user who placed the element under
  o  The date, time, and remark associated with the element
     or generation under review

  If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only
  the name of each library in the library list.  You must
  separately expand each library into its review elements.

7  –  Vnv cmi

  Choose the New Command View menu item to open a new
  view window that displays a list of every CMS command
  on which an access control list (ACL) can be placed.

  Double click on a specific command to expand it to
  display the ACL, if any, assigned to the command.

  If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only
  the name of each library in the library list.  You must
  separately expand each library into its commands.
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