Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  M_M, Rm mi
  Choose the Remove submenu to display a list
  containing the types of objects on which you can
  perform remove transactions:

  o  Elements
  o  Groups
  o  Generations

1  –  Rm e

  The Remove Element... menu item allows you to remove
  one or more elements from one or more groups.

  Remove Element does not delete an element from the
  library, but removes the association between the element
  and the group.

1.1  –  Rm sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Remove Element... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the remove transaction on the
  selected objects.

1.2  –  Rm ef

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  objects to be removed from one or more groups.

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

1.3  –  Rm g

  Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more
  groups from which the element or elements are to be

  You can use a wildcard expression, or a list of group
  names and wildcard expressions, separated by commas.

1.4  –  Rm r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  remove transaction.

1.5  –  Rm if

  Click on the Remove if Present button to direct CMS to
  remove the element from the group if the element belongs
  to the group.

  If the element does not belong to the group, CMS takes no
  action and does not return an error.

2  –  Rm gm

  The Remove Group... menu item removes a group from
  another group.

  Remove Group does not delete the group from the library,
  but removes the association between the two groups.

  If you remove group A from group B, the contents of group
  A are no longer accessible through group B.

2.1  –  Rm rags

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Remove Group... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects.  CMS performs the remove transaction on the
  selected objects.

2.2  –  Rm gsg

  Fill in the Subgroup field with the name of one or more
  groups to be removed.

  The subgroup can be a group name, a wildcard expression,
  or a list of these separated by commas.

2.3  –  Rm igf

  Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more group
  expressions from which the subgroup is to be removed.

  The group expression can be a group name, a wildcard
  expression, or a list of these separated by commas.

2.4  –  Rm in

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  remove transaction.

2.5  –  Rm ipt

  Click on the Remove if Present button to direct CMS to
  remove the subgroup from the group only if it already
  belongs to the group.

  If the subgroup does not belong to the group, CMS takes
  no action and does not return an error.

3  –  Rmgm

  The Remove Generation... menu item removes one or more
  element generations from one or more classes.

  Remove Generation does not delete the generation from the
  library, but removes the association between the
  generation and the class.

  To remove one element generation from a class and replace
  it with another generation of the same element, use the
  Insert Generation... menu item with the Supersede if
  Present button.

3.1  –  Rmsf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Remove Generation... menu item, the Selected box
  contains those objects.  CMS performs the remove
  transaction on the selected objects.

3.2  –  Rmig

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  objects whose generations are to be removed from the

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

3.3  –  Rmgf

  Fill in the Generation field with the generation number
  to be removed from the class.

  The generation must exist in the class.

  If you use a wildcard or a list of class names, CMS
  deletes the particular generation from each specified

3.4  –  Rmf

  Fill in the Class field with the name of the class
  expression from which the element generation is to be

  The class expression can be a class name, a wildcard
  expression, or a list of these separated by commas.

3.5  –  Rmr

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  remove transaction.

3.6  –  Rmif

  Click on the Remove if Present button to direct CMS to
  remove any generation of the element that exists in the

  If the class does not contain a generation from the
  element, CMS takes no action and does not return an
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