Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  M_M, Ct mi
  Choose the New submenu to display a list of objects
  on which you can operate:

  o  Groups
  o  Classes

  For information on creating elements, pull down the File
  Menu and select Help on the New Element... menu item
  or double click on the New Element... menu item topic
  below.  For information on creating libraries, double
  click on the Creating a Library topic.

1  –  Ct gr

  The New Group... menu item creates an empty group.
  New Group does not automatically place any
  elements or groups in the newly-created group.  After
  a group is created, you can place any related set of
  elements or groups in that group by using the Insert
  Element... or Insert Group... menu items.

  When you choose New Group..., a dialog box appears,
  allowing you to specify options for the group that you
  are creating.

1.1  –  Cg dbx

  The New Group dialog box allows you to enter
  information about the group or groups you want to create.

1.1.1  –  Cg gf

  Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more
  groups to be created.

  The name cannot be the same as any existing group or
  class name in the library; however, if a previously used
  group or class name has been removed, you can reuse that
  name.  You can also specify a list of group names
  separated by commas. Wildcards are not allowed.

1.1.2  –  Cg r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the creation remark of the group and logged in the
  history file with this create transaction.

2  –  Cc cl

  The New Class... menu item creates an empty class.

  New Class does not automatically place any generations
  in the newly-created class.  After a class is created,
  you can place any related set of generations in that class
  by using the Insert Generation... menu item.

  When you choose New Class..., a dialog box appears,
  allowing you to specify options for the class that you
  are creating.

2.1  –  Cl dbx

  The New Class dialog box allows you to enter
  information about the class (or classes) you want to

2.1.1  –  Cl gf

  Fill in the Class field with the name of one or more
  classes to be created.

  The name cannot be the same as any existing class or
  group name in the library; however, if a previously used
  class or group name has been removed, you can reuse that
  name.  You can also specify a list of class names
  separated by commas. Wildcards are not allowed.

2.1.2  –  Cl r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the creation remark of the class and logged in the
  history file with this create transaction.
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