Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  M_M, Ac  Ac db
  The Set ACL dialog box allows you to enter information
  about access control lists (ACLs) and access control
  entries (ACEs).

1  –  Ac sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Set ACL... menu item, the Selected box contains those
  objects.  CMS performs the set ACL transaction you specify
  on the selected objects.

2  –  Ac ob

  Fill in the Object field with the name of one or more
  objects whose access control lists (ACLs) are to be
  created, modified, or deleted.  Wildcards and a comma
  list are allowed.

  The name in the Object field depends on the Object type.
  For example, if the Object type is Class, the object name
  must be the name of a class in the CMS library. The same
  principle applies to elements and groups.

  If the Object type is Library, the Object field must
  contain one or more of the following keywords:


  If the Object type is Command, the Object field must
  contain the name of a CMS command. Commands that
  contain two words must be specified with an underscore;
  for example, INSERT_ELEMENT.

3  –  Ac obj

  The Object type indicates the type of object whose access
  control list (ACL) is being modified. The Object type is

  Double click on the Object Field or on the object lists
  from the additional topics below for more information on
  object types.

3.1  –  E_L

  You can conceptually think of element, group, and class
  lists as generic objects representing, respectively,
  all the elements, groups, and classes that already exist,
  or have yet to be created in the CMS library.

  You use the object lists with access control lists (ACLs)
  to grant or deny access to objects already created in the
  library, or objects that will be created in the library.

  See the "Guide to DIGITAL Code Management System for
  OpenVMS Systems" for a more detailed explanation of object

3.2  –  H_L

  By specifying a CMS ACL on the CMS library or the library
  history, you can restrict users from certain types of
  access to the library or the library history.

  You can restrict users from the following types of access
  to the library:  MODIFY, REPAIR, VERIFY.

  You can restrict users from the following types of access
  to the library history:  DELETE, REMARK.

  See the "Guide to DIGITAL Code Management System for OpenVMS
  Systems" for a more detailed explanation of using ACLs on
  the library or library history.

4  –  Ac rf

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this

5  –  Ac ace

  One or more access control entries (ACEs) comprise an
  access control list (ACL).  You can use two types of ACLs
  in CMS: Identifier ACEs and Action ACEs.

  o  Identifier ACEs control which users can perform
     which CMS operations on a specified object.

  o  Action ACEs define CMS events and specify actions
     to be taken based on these events.

  This Help entry describes Identifier ACEs; see the "Guide
  to DIGITAL Code Management System for OpenVMS Systems" for
  more information on Action ACEs.

  Fill in the ACEs box with one or more ACEs.  Identifier
  ACEs must have the following format:



  This ACE indicates that both the modify and delete
  operations are allowed for the user holding the
  PROJ_LEADER identifier.  To specify multiple ACEs,
  enclose the ACEs in parentheses.  For example:


  See the "Guide to DIGITAL Code Management System for OpenVMS
  Systems" for more information on ACLs.

6  –  Ac new

  Click on the Add ACEs in Front button to direct CMS to
  add the ACEs in the ACEs box to the beginning of the ACL.

  By default, ACEs added to the ACL are always placed at
  the top of the list.

7  –  Ac aft

  Click on the Add ACEs After ACE button to direct CMS to
  add the ACEs in the ACEs box to the ACL after the ACE you
  specify in the accompanying text field.

8  –  Ac r

  Click on the Remove ACEs button to direct CMS to delete
  the ACE (or ACEs) specified in the ACEs box from the ACL.

  If you do not specify any ACEs in the ACEs box, CMS
  deletes the entire ACL.  If you specify an ACE that does
  not exist, CMS notifies you, then continues on to delete
  the next specified ACE.

9  –  Ac rep

  Click on the Supersede ACL button to direct CMS to
  replace any existing ACL on the object with the new ACEs
  you specify in the ACEs box.

10  –  Ac mda

  Click on the Make Default ACL button to direct CMS to
  propagate the DEFAULT option ACEs in the ACL of the
  object list to the ACL of the specified object.

  This option can be used only with object lists.  For
  example, click on this option if you assign or modify
  an ACL on a group list.  The ACEs would then be assigned
  to any newly-created groups.

11  –  Ac lik

  Click on the Copy ACL From Object button to direct CMS to
  replace the ACL of the object specified in the Object
  name field with an ACL copied from another object. You
  must specify the ACL to be copied in the text field.

  No wildcards are allowed.
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