Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  M_M
  The Maintenance menu contains a list of all transactions
  associated with organizational and maintenance functions.

  These transactions allow you to do the following:

  o  Insert objects into groups and classes
  o  Remove objects from groups and classes
  o  Create groups and classes
  o  Modify the characteristics of objects
  o  Delete objects from the library
  o  Review generations of elements
  o  Issue remarks for elements and generations
  o  Set access control lists (ACLs) on objects
  o  Copy elements from one library to another

  When you choose one of these menu items, a dialog box
  appears, allowing you to view and specify options for
  that operation.

  To perform a transaction, follow these steps:

  o  Click on the desired CMS object.
  o  Pull down the Maintenance menu.
  o  Pull down the desired menu item.

1  –  I mi

  Choose the Insert submenu to display a list of the
  types of objects on which you can perform insertion

  o  Elements
  o  Groups
  o  Generations

1.1  –  I e

  The Insert Element... menu item allows you to place one
  or more elements or groups into one or more groups.

  If you specify a group name in the Element field, CMS
  inserts the elements contained in the group.  For example,
  if you insert group A into group B, group B will contain
  the elements in group A.

  If the contents of group A change at a later time, the
  contents of group B are not affected.

  To insert a group into another group, choose the Insert
  Group... menu item.

1.1.1  –  I s

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Insert Element... menu item, the Selected box
  contains those objects. CMS performs the insert
  transaction on the selected objects.

1.1.2  –  I ef

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  element expressions to be inserted into a group.

  The element expression can be an element name, a group
  name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated
  by commas.

1.1.3  –  I g

  Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more
  groups into which the element or elements are to be

  You can use a group name, wildcard expression, or a
  list of these separated by commas.

1.1.4  –  I r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  insert transaction.

1.1.5  –  I ia

  Click on the Insert if Absent button to direct CMS to
  insert the element only if the group does not already
  contain that element.  If the element already belongs to
  the group, CMS takes no action and does not return an

1.2  –  I gm

  Choose the Insert Group... menu item to place one or more
  groups into one or more other groups.

  If you insert group A into group B, the elements
  accessible through group B change as the contents of
  group A change.

  A group cannot be a member of itself; that is, it cannot
  be a subgroup of itself. For example, you cannot insert
  group A into group B if group A already contains group B.

1.2.1  –  I sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Insert Group... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the insert transaction on the
  selected objects.

1.2.2  –  I gf

  Fill in the Subgroup field with the name of one or more
  groups to be inserted into the other group (or groups).

  The subgroup can be a group name, a wildcard expression,
  or a list of these separated by commas.

1.2.3  –  I gg

  Fill in the Group field with the name of the group
  expression into which the subgroup is to be inserted.

  The group expression can be a group name, a wildcard
  expression, or a list of these separated by commas.

1.2.4  –  I rm

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  insert transaction.

1.2.5  –  I atb

  Click on the Insert if Absent button to direct CMS to
  insert the subgroup into the group only if the group does
  not already contain it.

  If the subgroup already belongs to the group, CMS takes
  no action and does not return an error.

1.3  –  I gi

  The Insert Generation... menu item places one or more
  element generations into one or more classes.

  A class can contain only one generation of an element.

1.3.1  –  I sfg

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Insert Generation... menu item, the Selected box
  contains those objects.  CMS performs the insert
  transaction on the selected objects.

1.3.2  –  I gef

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  element expressions whose generations are to be inserted
  into the class.

  The element expression can be an element name, a group
  name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated
  by commas.

1.3.3  –  I grp

  Fill in the Generation field with the generation number
  to be inserted into the class.

  If you omit this field, CMS uses the latest generation on
  the main line of descent.

1.3.4  –  I igi

  Fill in the Class field with the name of the class into
  which the element generation is to be placed.

  You can use a class name, a wildcard expression, or a
  list of these separated by commas.

1.3.5  –  Ibef

  Fill in the Before field with a time value indicating the
  time before which CMS should choose the latest ancestor
  of the generation specified by the Generation Field that
  pre-dates the specified time. If no generation pre-dates
  that time (i.e. generation 1 is later) then no generation
  is inserted.

1.3.6  –  Igr

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  insert transaction.

1.3.7  –  Ist od

  The Insert Option choices enable you to direct CMS to
  perform the insert transaction only in certain cases.  –  Iia

  Click on the Always button to direct CMS to insert the
  element generation into the class in all cases.

  If the class already contains a generation from the
  element, that generation is removed before the new one is
  inserted.  –  Ifa

  Click on the If Absent button to direct CMS to insert the
  element generation into the class only if a generation of
  that element is not already in the class.

  If a generation of the element is already in the class,
  CMS takes no action and does not return an error.  –  Isp

  Click on the Supersede if Present button to direct CMS
  to remove a generation of the element that exists in
  the class and replaces it with the specified generation.

  If you specify Supersede if Present and there is no
  generation of that element already in the class, CMS
  issues an error message and does not insert the generation.  –  Non

  If the None button is activated, CMS places the
  generation into the class.

  If a generation of the element is already in the class,
  CMS issues an error message and does not insert the

2  –  Rm mi

  Choose the Remove submenu to display a list
  containing the types of objects on which you can
  perform remove transactions:

  o  Elements
  o  Groups
  o  Generations

2.1  –  Rm e

  The Remove Element... menu item allows you to remove
  one or more elements from one or more groups.

  Remove Element does not delete an element from the
  library, but removes the association between the element
  and the group.

2.1.1  –  Rm sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Remove Element... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the remove transaction on the
  selected objects.

2.1.2  –  Rm ef

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  objects to be removed from one or more groups.

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

2.1.3  –  Rm g

  Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more
  groups from which the element or elements are to be

  You can use a wildcard expression, or a list of group
  names and wildcard expressions, separated by commas.

2.1.4  –  Rm r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  remove transaction.

2.1.5  –  Rm if

  Click on the Remove if Present button to direct CMS to
  remove the element from the group if the element belongs
  to the group.

  If the element does not belong to the group, CMS takes no
  action and does not return an error.

2.2  –  Rm gm

  The Remove Group... menu item removes a group from
  another group.

  Remove Group does not delete the group from the library,
  but removes the association between the two groups.

  If you remove group A from group B, the contents of group
  A are no longer accessible through group B.

2.2.1  –  Rm rags

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Remove Group... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects.  CMS performs the remove transaction on the
  selected objects.

2.2.2  –  Rm gsg

  Fill in the Subgroup field with the name of one or more
  groups to be removed.

  The subgroup can be a group name, a wildcard expression,
  or a list of these separated by commas.

2.2.3  –  Rm igf

  Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more group
  expressions from which the subgroup is to be removed.

  The group expression can be a group name, a wildcard
  expression, or a list of these separated by commas.

2.2.4  –  Rm in

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  remove transaction.

2.2.5  –  Rm ipt

  Click on the Remove if Present button to direct CMS to
  remove the subgroup from the group only if it already
  belongs to the group.

  If the subgroup does not belong to the group, CMS takes
  no action and does not return an error.

2.3  –  Rmgm

  The Remove Generation... menu item removes one or more
  element generations from one or more classes.

  Remove Generation does not delete the generation from the
  library, but removes the association between the
  generation and the class.

  To remove one element generation from a class and replace
  it with another generation of the same element, use the
  Insert Generation... menu item with the Supersede if
  Present button.

2.3.1  –  Rmsf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Remove Generation... menu item, the Selected box
  contains those objects.  CMS performs the remove
  transaction on the selected objects.

2.3.2  –  Rmig

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  objects whose generations are to be removed from the

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

2.3.3  –  Rmgf

  Fill in the Generation field with the generation number
  to be removed from the class.

  The generation must exist in the class.

  If you use a wildcard or a list of class names, CMS
  deletes the particular generation from each specified

2.3.4  –  Rmf

  Fill in the Class field with the name of the class
  expression from which the element generation is to be

  The class expression can be a class name, a wildcard
  expression, or a list of these separated by commas.

2.3.5  –  Rmr

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  remove transaction.

2.3.6  –  Rmif

  Click on the Remove if Present button to direct CMS to
  remove any generation of the element that exists in the

  If the class does not contain a generation from the
  element, CMS takes no action and does not return an

3  –  Ct mi

  Choose the New submenu to display a list of objects
  on which you can operate:

  o  Groups
  o  Classes

  For information on creating elements, pull down the File
  Menu and select Help on the New Element... menu item
  or double click on the New Element... menu item topic
  below.  For information on creating libraries, double
  click on the Creating a Library topic.

3.1  –  Ct gr

  The New Group... menu item creates an empty group.
  New Group does not automatically place any
  elements or groups in the newly-created group.  After
  a group is created, you can place any related set of
  elements or groups in that group by using the Insert
  Element... or Insert Group... menu items.

  When you choose New Group..., a dialog box appears,
  allowing you to specify options for the group that you
  are creating.

3.1.1  –  Cg dbx

  The New Group dialog box allows you to enter
  information about the group or groups you want to create.  –  Cg gf

  Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more
  groups to be created.

  The name cannot be the same as any existing group or
  class name in the library; however, if a previously used
  group or class name has been removed, you can reuse that
  name.  You can also specify a list of group names
  separated by commas. Wildcards are not allowed.  –  Cg r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the creation remark of the group and logged in the
  history file with this create transaction.

3.2  –  Cc cl

  The New Class... menu item creates an empty class.

  New Class does not automatically place any generations
  in the newly-created class.  After a class is created,
  you can place any related set of generations in that class
  by using the Insert Generation... menu item.

  When you choose New Class..., a dialog box appears,
  allowing you to specify options for the class that you
  are creating.

3.2.1  –  Cl dbx

  The New Class dialog box allows you to enter
  information about the class (or classes) you want to
  create.  –  Cl gf

  Fill in the Class field with the name of one or more
  classes to be created.

  The name cannot be the same as any existing class or
  group name in the library; however, if a previously used
  class or group name has been removed, you can reuse that
  name.  You can also specify a list of class names
  separated by commas. Wildcards are not allowed.  –  Cl r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the creation remark of the class and logged in the
  history file with this create transaction.

4  –  My mi

  Choose the Modify submenu to display a list of the
  objects whose characteristics can be changed:

  o  Elements
  o  Groups
  o  Classes
  o  Generations
  o  Libraries

4.1  –  My e

  The Modify Element... menu item allows you to change the
  following characteristics of one or more elements:

  o  Whether concurrent reservations are allowed
  o  Whether elements are assigned a reference copy
  o  Whether new element generations are marked for
  o  What the notes format and position should be
  o  What the history format should be
  o  The creation remark that is associated with the
  o  The name of the element

  Use the following steps to display an element's

  1. Choose the desired element.
  2. Pull down the View menu.
  3. Pull down the Expand submenu.
  4. Choose the Attributes menu item.

4.1.1  –  My sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Modify Element... menu item, the Selected box
  contains those objects. CMS performs the modify
  transaction on the selected objects.

4.1.2  –  My ef

  Fill in the Element field with one or more objects to be

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

4.1.3  –  My r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  modify transaction.

4.1.4  –  My a

  Click on the Allow Concurrent Reservations button
  to specify that this element can have multiple

  Click on the Off button to specify that the element
  cannot have multiple reservations.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain
  the existing concurrent reservations attribute (that
  you specified when you created or previously modified
  the element).

4.1.5  –  My rf

  Click on the Reference Copy button to direct CMS to
  update the element's reference copy file in the reference
  copy directory whenever you create a new main line
  generation of the element.

  You must have previously created and assigned a reference
  copy directory to the library.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the
  existing reference copy attribute (that you specified
  when you created or previously modified the element).

4.1.6  –  My ng

  Click on the Mark new generations for review button to
  direct CMS to mark new generations of the element for

  If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the
  existing review attribute (that you specified when you
  created or previously modified the element).

4.1.7  –  My na

  The Notes attribute is used to append notes to the lines
  of the output file when you fetch or reserve a generation
  of the element.

  To display the current default Notes attribute, do the

  1. Pull down the View menu.
  2. Choose the Element View menu item.
  3. Click on the desired element.
  4. Pull down the View menu.
  5. Choose the Expand submenu.
  6. Choose the Attributes menu item.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the
  existing notes attribute (that you specified when you
  created or previously modified the element).  –  My onoff

  Click on the On button to establish the notes attribute
  for the element.

  Click on the Off button to remove any current notes
  attribute.  –  My nf

  Fill in the Format field with a format string. The note
  for a line consists of the format string.

  The format string characters #G indicate that the
  generation number of the particular generation in which
  the line was inserted or most recently modified should
  be appended to the lines of the output file.

  You can optionally include other ASCII text in the Notes
  Format field.  To include a quotation mark in the notes
  string, type it twice (""). To include a number sign in
  the notes string, type it twice (##).

  You must also specify the column number in which to place
  the note.  –  My nc

  Fill in the Column field with the column number in
  which the format string is to be placed.  If you
  specify the Format option, you must also specify
  the column number.

  The column number can be any integer in the range
  1 to 511.

4.1.8  –  My h

  The History attribute controls the inclusion of the
  history records in the output file when you fetch or
  reserve a generation of the element.

  To display the current default History attribute, do
  the following:

  1. Pull down the View menu.
  2. Choose the Element View menu item.
  3. Click on the desired element.
  4. Pull down the View menu.
  5. Choose the Expand submenu.
  6. Choose the Attributes menu item.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the
  existing history attribute (that you specified when you
  created or previously modified the element).  –  My ho

  Click on the Off button to remove any existing history
  attribute for the element.  –  My ha

  Click on the At Beginning button to direct CMS to include
  the history for the element at the beginning of the
  output file.

  Click on the At End button to direct CMS to include the
  history for the element at the end of the output file.  –  My hf

  Fill in the Format field with a format string indicating
  where the format is to appear in the output file.

  The string must contain the characters #H or #B
  (lowercase is allowed), and can contain other printing
  characters.  Use the letter B to include the history at
  the beginning of the file.  Use the letter H to include
  the history at the end of the file.

  To include a quotation mark in the history string, type
  it twice (""). To include a number sign in the history
  string, type it twice (##).

4.1.9  –  My cr

  Fill in the Creation Remark field with text of a new
  remark to be substituted for the creation remark that is
  associated with the element.

4.1.10  –  My en

  Fill in the New Element Name field with a new name for
  the element. The new element name cannot be the same as
  the name of another existing element.

  Do not use the file name 00CMS because this name is
  reserved for CMS. You cannot use wildcards or a comma
  list in the New Element Name field or in the Element
  name field.

4.2  –  My g

  The Modify Group... menu item allows you to change the
  following characteristics of one or more groups:

  o  The access to the group (readonly or
     noreadonly).  You cannot change the contents
     of a group that has been set readonly
  o  The creation remark that is associated with
     the group
  o  The name of the group

  Use the following steps to display a group's attributes:

  1. Click on a group.
  2. Pull down the View menu.
  3. Pull down the Expand submenu.
  4. Choose the Attributes menu item.

4.2.1  –  My gsf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Modify Group... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects.  CMS performs the modify transaction on
  the selected objects.

4.2.2  –  My gg

  Fill in the Group field with one or more groups to be

  You can use a wildcard expression, or a list of group
  names and wildcard expressions, separated by commas.

4.2.3  –  My gr

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  modify transaction.

4.2.4  –  My m

  Click on the Readonly button to establish or alter the
  readonly attribute of a group.

  Noreadonly is the default attribute of a group when it is
  created with the New Group... menu item.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the
  existing readonly attribute (that you specified when you
  created or previously modified the group).

4.2.5  –  My offon

  Click on the On button to establish the readonly
  attribute of a group.

  Click on the Off button to remove the readonly
  attribute of a group.

4.2.6  –  My mg

  Fill in the Creation Remark field with a new remark
  to be substituted for the creation remark that is
  associated with the group.

4.2.7  –  My mgn

  Fill in the New Group Name field with a new name for an
  existing group.  The new group name cannot be the same as
  an existing group or class name. You cannot use wildcards
  or a comma list.

4.3  –  My ci

  The Modify Class... menu item allows you to change the
  following characteristics of one or more classes:

  o  The access to the class (readonly or
     noreadonly). You cannot change the contents
     of a class that has been set readonly
  o  The creation remark that is associated with
     the class
  o  The name of the class

  Use the following steps to display a class's attributes:

  1. Click on a class.
  2. Pull down the View menu.
  3. Pull down the Expand submenu.
  4. Choose the Attributes menu item.

4.3.1  –  My csf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Modify Class... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the modify transaction on
  the selected objects.

4.3.2  –  My cf

  Fill in the Class field with one or more classes to be

  You can use a wildcard expression, or a list of class
  names and wildcard expressions, separated by commas.

4.3.3  –  My cr

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  modify transaction.

4.3.4  –  My rtb

  Click on the Readonly button to establish or alter the
  readonly attribute of a class.

  Noreadonly is the default attribute of a class when it is
  created with the New Class... menu item.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the
  existing readonly attribute (that you specified when you
  created or previously modified the class).  –  My offon but

  Click on the On button to establish the readonly
  attribute of a group.

  Click on the Off button to remove the readonly attribute
  of a group.

4.3.5  –  My mcd

  Fill in the Creation Remark field with a new remark to be
  substituted for the creation remark that is associated
  with the group.

4.3.6  –  My mcn

  Fill in the New Class Name field with a new name for the
  existing class.  The new class name cannot be the same as
  an existing class or group name. You cannot use wildcards
  or a comma list.

4.4  –  Mod g

  The Modify Generation... menu item allows you to change
  the creation remark that is associated with a particular

  Use the following steps to display an element
  generation's attributes:

  1. Click on a generation.
  2. Pull down the View menu.
  3. Pull down the Expand submenu.
  4. Choose the Attributes menu item.

4.4.1  –  Mod sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Modify Generation... menu item, the Selected box
  contains those objects.  CMS performs the modify
  transaction on the selected objects.

4.4.2  –  Mod ef

  Fill in the Element field with one or more objects to be

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

4.4.3  –  Mod gf

  Fill in the Generation field with the specific generation
  number to be modified.

  If you omit this field, CMS modifies the most recent
  generation on the main line of descent.

4.4.4  –  Mod r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  modify transaction.

4.4.5  –  Mod de

  Fill in the Creation Remark with a new remark to be
  substituted for the creation remark that is associated
  with the generation.

4.5  –  Mod r

  The Modify Reservation... menu item allows you to change
  the reservation remark that is associated with a particular

  Use the following steps to display a reservation record:

  1. Pull down the View Menu
  2. Choose the Reservations menu item.
  3. Double click on the element of interest

4.5.1  –  Mod sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Modify Reservation... menu item, the Selected box
  contains those objects.  CMS performs the modify
  transaction on the selected objects.

4.5.2  –  Mod ef

  Fill in the Element field with one or more objects to be

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

4.5.3  –  Mod gf

  Fill in the Generation field with the specific generation
  number to be modified.

  If you omit this field, CMS modifies the most recent
  generation on the main line of descent.

4.5.4  –  Mod if

  Fill in the Reservation Identification field with the
  specific reservation identification number to be modified.

  This field need only be filled in if there are multiple
  reservations outstanding on this generation.

4.5.5  –  Mod r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  modify transaction.

4.5.6  –  Mod de

  Fill in the Creation Remark with a new remark to be
  substituted for the creation remark that is associated
  with the reservation.

4.6  –  Mod l

  The Modify Library... menu item is used to modify the
  attributes of one or more libraries:

  o  It establishes or removes the connection between
     the current CMS library and its reference copy

  o  It establishes the file revision time, concurrent
     and keep attributes.

  Modify Library does not add files to or delete files
  from a reference copy directory.  Once you establish a
  reference copy directory for a library, subsequent
  transactions that create new element generations on the
  main line of descent also update the reference copy
  directory (provided the element also has the reference
  copy attribute).

  Use the following steps to display a library's

  1. Click on the library name.
  2. Pull down the View menu.
  3. Choose the Expand submenu.
  4. Choose the Attributes menu item.

4.6.1  –  Mod lf

  Fill in the Library field with the name of the library to
  be modified.

  If you do not fill in this field, CMS modifies your
  current library.

  Use the Occlude button to modify more than one library at
  a time.

4.6.2  –  Mod rf

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  modify transaction.

4.6.3  –  Mod refc

  Fill in the Reference Copy field with the name of an
  empty OpenVMS directory to be used for reference copies of
  library elements.

  If the Reference Copy Directory button is activated, CMS
  stores copies of elements belonging to the library in the
  reference copy directory.  You must also specify an OpenVMS
  directory name in the Reference Copy Directory field.

  The directory cannot be a CMS library, nor can it be a
  subdirectory of a CMS library directory.

  Although CMS allows you to assign the same reference copy
  directory to different libraries, it is strongly
  recommended that you assign each CMS library its own
  unique reference copy directory.

  Wildcards are not allowed.

4.6.4  –  Mod rev time

  The File Revision Time attributes consist of the following

  o  Original--specifies that the original revision
     time of files placed in a CMS library should
     be restored unchanged upon their retrieval (fetch
     or reserve transaction). This is the default behavior.

  o  Storage Time--specifies that the time when a
     file was stored in a CMS library (through a create
     element or replace transaction) should be substituted
     for its original revision time upon retrieval.

4.6.5  –  Mod conc

  The Concurrent attribute effects element creation.
  When concurrent is on elements created will allow
  concurrent reservations by default.  When the attribute
  is off, concurrent reservations will normally not be
  allowed for newly created elements.  The default is to
  allow concurrent reservations for all elements.

4.6.6  –  Mod kep

  The Keep attribute is a library wide default that
  effects whether or not files are deleted when a new
  element or generation is created.  When keep is on
  creating or replacing an element will not delete the
  file used for that operation.  When the keep attribute
  is off those files will be deleted.  The default is to
  delete files during creation of a new element or

4.6.7  –  Mod ext

  This flag indicates whether extended filename are allowed
  in the library.  Extended filenames are only available on
  OpenVMS V7.2 and later.  –  Cl var

  This flag indicates whether long variant names are allowed
  in the library.

5  –  Del

  Choose the Delete submenu to display a list of objects
  that can be deleted:

  o  Elements
  o  Groups
  o  Classes
  o  Generations
  o  History

  For information on deleting access control lists (ACLs)
  choose the Set ACL... menu item under the additional
  topics below.

5.1  –  De e

  The Delete Element... menu item allows you to delete one
  or more elements from the library.

  You cannot delete an element whose generations have any
  existing reservations.  Additionally, the element cannot
  be a member of a group, nor can one of its generations
  belong to a class or be under review.

  If any generation of an element is reserved, you must
  unreserve or replace it before you can delete the element.
  If the element belongs to any groups or has generations
  in any classes, you must first remove them by doing the

  1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.
  2. Choose the Remove submenu.
  3. Choose the Element... or Generation... menu item.

  Then provide the necessary information in the subsequent
  Remove Element or Remove Generation dialog box.

  If the element is set with the reference copy attribute,
  CMS deletes the corresponding reference copy file from
  the reference copy directory.

5.1.1  –  De edb

  The Delete Element dialog box allows you to enter
  information about the element or elements you want to
  delete from the library.  –  De sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Delete Element... menu item, the Selected box
  contains those objects. CMS performs the delete
  transaction on the selected objects.  –  De ef

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  elements to be deleted.

  An element expression can be an element name, a wildcard
  expression, or a list of these separated by commas.  –  De r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the deletion remark of the element and logged in the
  history file with this delete transaction.

5.2  –  Dg gr

  The Delete Group... menu item deletes one or more groups
  from a library.  The group must be empty, and also cannot
  belong to another group.

  When you choose Delete Group..., a dialog box appears,
  allowing you to specify options for the group you are

  To determine the elements and groups that belong to a
  specific group, do the following:

  1. Click on a group.
  2. Pull down the View menu.
  3. Choose the Expand submenu.
  4. Choose the Children item.

  To determine the elements and groups that belong to
  another group, do the following:

  1. Click on a group.
  2. Pull down the View menu.
  3. Choose the Expand submenu.
  4. Choose the Membership menu item.

5.2.1  –  Dg gedb

  The Delete Group dialog box allows you to enter
  information about the group or groups you want to delete
  from the library.  –  Dg gsf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Delete Group... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the delete transaction on the
  selected objects.  –  Dg gf

  Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more
  groups to be deleted.

  A group expression can be one or more group names, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by
  commas.  –  Dg grf

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  delete transaction.  –  Dg grcf

  Click on the Remove Contents button to indicate that CMS
  should remove elements and group members from the
  specified groups prior to deleting the groups.

5.3  –  Dc mi

  The Delete Class... menu item deletes one or more classes
  from a library. The class must be empty or CMS will not
  delete the class.

  When you choose Delete Class..., a dialog box appears,
  allowing you to specify options for the class you are

  To determine which generations belong to a class, do the

  1. Click on a class.
  2. Pull down the View menu.
  3. Choose the Expand submenu.
  4. Choose the Children menu item.

5.3.1  –  Dc cdb

  The Delete Class dialog box allows you to enter
  information about the class or classes you want
  to delete from the library.  –  Dc csf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Delete Class... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the delete transaction on the
  selected objects.  –  Dc cf

  Fill in the Class field with the name of one or more
  class expressions to be deleted from the CMS library.

  The class expression can be a class name, a wildcard
  expression, or a list of these separated by commas.  –  Dc crf

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  delete transaction.  –  Dg crcf

  Click on the Remove Contents button to indicate that CMS
  should remove generation members from the specified
  classes prior to deleting the classes.

5.4  –  Dg mi

  The Delete Generation... menu item removes information
  about one or more generations of an element. You may want
  to delete some generations of an element if your library
  contains a large number of unneeded generations of an

  Once a generation is deleted, it cannot be restored to
  its former place in the element in the CMS library.
  You can, however, permanently store the contents of
  the generation using the Archive file button.

  When you choose Delete Generation..., a dialog box
  appears, allowing you to specify options for the
  generation you are deleting.

5.4.1  –  Dg cdb

  The Delete Generation dialog box allows you to enter
  information about the generation or generations you want
  to delete from the library.  –  Dg csf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Delete Generation... menu item, the Selected box
  contains those objects.  CMS performs the delete
  transaction on the selected objects.  –  Dg ef

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  element expressions to be deleted.

  An element expression can be an element name, a group
  name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated
  by commas.  –  Dg rf

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  delete transaction.  –  Dg ar

  Fill in the Archive File field with the name of a file
  (or files) to which CMS should write all the information
  from the deleted generation.

  If you do not supply a file name, CMS creates a file
  with the same name as the element and the .CMS_ARCHIVE
  file type and places it in your default directory.  –  Dg ran

  You can choose to delete either a single generation or a
  range of generations using the Single and Range buttons,
  respectively.  –  Dg si

  Click on the Single button to indicate that you are
  deleting only a single generation of an element.

  By default, CMS deletes the latest generation on the main
  line of descent (1+).  To indicate a specific generation,
  supply the generation number in the Single range field.  –  Dg rg

  Click on the Range button to indicate that you want to
  delete a sequence of generations of an element.

  If the Range button is activated, you must also specify
  the exact range to be deleted.  Do this by using the From
  or To options.  –  Dg f

  Click on the From button to specify the start of a range
  of generations that are to be deleted, either including
  or excluding the specified generation. Fill in the From
  field with the appropriate generation number.

  CMS automatically deletes the start of the range including
  the generation you specify unless you click on the
  Exclusive button.

  You must specify the end of the range with the To option.  –  Dg to

  Click on the To button to specify the end of a range of
  generations that are to be deleted, either including or
  excluding the specified generation. Fill in the To field
  with the appropriate generation number.

  CMS automatically deletes the end of the range including
  the generation you specify unless you click on the
  Exclusive button.

  You must also specify the start of the range with the
  From option.

5.5  –  Dh mi

  The Delete History... menu item deletes all or part of
  the library history.  CMS writes the deleted history
  records to a file named HISTORY.DMP in your current
  default directory.

  Delete History... does not delete the library creation
  history record.

  When you choose Delete History..., a dialog box appears,
  allowing you to specify options for the history you are

5.5.1  –  Dh db

  The Delete History dialog box allows you to enter
  information about the history you want to delete from the
  library.  –  Dh bef

  Fill in the Before field with a time value indicating the
  time from which CMS should delete all previous history

  Entries are made in the history file specifying
  that a section of the history data has been removed. These
  entries are made at the locations in the history file where
  the lines were deleted.

  The time value can be an absolute, delta, or a combination
  time value, or one of the following keywords: TODAY,
  TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY.  –  Dh obf

  Fill in the Objects field with one or more element names,
  group names, class names, commands, or libraries on which
  you want history deleted. Wildcards are allowed.

  You can specify multiple objects; separate each object
  name with a comma.  This field is optional; if you do not
  supply an object in this field, CMS deletes history
  records for all objects in the current library.  –  Dh unf

  Fill in the User Name field with the name of one or more
  users to direct CMS to delete the history records created
  by that user.

  You can specify multiple users by separating each user
  name with a comma.  –  Dh rf

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  transaction.  –  Dh of

  The output file directs CMS to write the history output
  you are deleting to the specified file.  If you do not
  supply a file specification for the file, CMS creates a
  file named HISTORY.DMP and places it in your default

5.5.2  –  Dh tv

  CMS deletes history records based on the transaction
  buttons that are activated.

  Transactions are not deleted for transaction buttons that
  are not activated.  –  Dhis clear

  Click on the Clear button to deactivate every
  transaction button under Transactions Records
  to Delete.  –  Dh ct

  When the Copy button is activated, CMS deletes the
  history records of copy transactions.  –  Dh mt

  When the Modify button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of modify transactions.  –  Dh ut

  When the Unreserve button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of unreserve transactions.  –  Dh mat

  When the Mark button is activated, CMS deletes the
  history records of elements or generations that have been
  marked for review.  –  Dh cr t

  When the Create button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of create transactions.  –  Dh rem t

  When the Remark button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of remark transactions.  –  Dh vt

  When the Verify button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of verify transactions.  –  Dh rj t

  When the Reject button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of elements or generations that have
  been rejected.  –  Dh dt

  When the Delete button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of delete transactions.  –  Dh rt

  When the Remove button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of remove transactions.  –  Dh se t

  When the Set button is activated, CMS deletes the
  history records of set transactions.  –  Dh r t

  When the Review button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of review transactions.  –  Dh tvf

  When the Fetch button is activated, CMS deletes the
  history records of fetch transactions.  –  Dh tvr

  When the Replace button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of replace transactions.  –  Dh at

  When the Accept button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of elements whose generations were
  on the review pending list and have been accepted.  –  Dh tvi

  When the Insert button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of insert transactions.  –  Dh tvr

  When the Reserve button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of reserve transactions.  –  Dh dt

  When the Cancel button is activated, CMS deletes
  the history records of review canceled transactions.

6  –  Vl mi

  Choose the Verify... menu item to instruct CMS to
  perform a series of consistency checks on your CMS
  library. CMS verifies libraries to confirm that the
  library structure and library files are in a valid form.

  By default, CMS verifies all the elements in each library
  in the library search list.  To specify that CMS verify
  only the first occurrence of each element in the search
  list, use the Occlude option.

  When you choose Verify..., a dialog box appears, enabling
  you to specify options for the library to be verified.

6.1  –  Vl db

  The Verify dialog box allows you to enter information
  about the library you want to verify.

  You must supply information about whether to verify some
  or all of the elements in the library. You can also
  specify occlusion options, a remark to be stored in the
  library history, whether or not to confirm the deletion
  of any reference copies, and the options to use during
  the verify operation.

  To specify multiple elements to be verified, use wild-
  cards and/or a list of element names separated with
  commas.  If you do not supply an element specification,
  CMS verifies every element in the library.

6.1.1  –  Vl sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Verify... menu item, the Selected field contains
  those objects.  CMS performs the verify transaction on
  the selected objects.

6.1.2  –  Vl enf

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  element expressions to be verified.  If you do not
  supply an element name, CMS verifies every element in
  the library.

  The element expression can also be a wildcard expression
  or a group name.

  You cannot specify an element expression if you also
  specify the Recover option in this dialog box.

6.1.3  –  Vl rf

  Fill in the Remark field with text that is associated
  with the transaction.  The remark is permanently
  logged in the library history file.

6.1.4  –  Vl dbc

  Click on the Confirm reference copy deletions button
  to direct CMS to prompt you for confirmation prior
  to deleting any invalid reference copies during the
  verify/repair operation.

6.1.5  –  Vl wor

  Click on the Warn On Repair Button to direct CMS to
  display a pop-up message for each successful repair

6.1.6  –  Vl rfa

  Click on the Repair File Attributes Only Button
  to direct CMS to only repair problems with the
  file attributes of element Data Files and reference
  copies. Other potential problems with these files
  are not repaired. Note that the library database
  file is always repaired, even when this option is

6.1.7  –  Vl a

  The Verify action options allow you to indicate the type
  of verification CMS should use to verify the contents of
  the library.  –  Vl ai

  Click on the Inspect button to verify your library
  without performing any recovery or repair operations. If
  any data in the library is invalid, CMS displays an error
  message indicating that there is an error found during
  the verification of the library.

  Choose the Recover or Repair buttons to correct the
  errors discovered by the verify transaction.  –  Vl ar

  Click on the Recover button to recover the library if a
  previously performed transaction was incomplete and the
  rollback mechanism did not automatically cancel the
  transaction.  –  Vl arr

  Click on the Repair button to repair a file or files in
  the library.  Files should be repaired if one of the
  following conditions occur:

  o  Files were not closed by CMS
  o  The checksum of elements in the library is invalid
  o  File generations have an invalid maximum record size
  o  A reference copy is invalid, missing, or duplicated
  o  A data block was not found

7  –  Rw mi

  The Review process enables you to communicate
  information about the status of generations of elements.
  Using Review, you can mark a generation to be examined
  and commented on by other team members.

  The generation can then be accepted, rejected, or the
  review canceled.  To display pending reviews, do the

  1. Pull down the View menu.
  2. Choose the Review submenu.

  You can also then pull down the View menu item again and
  choose the Restrict... menu item.  This allows you to
  restrict the information displayed by the Review View.

  You can view remarks made by other users by doing the

  1. Click on an element generation.
  2. Pull down the View menu.
  3. Pull down the Expand submenu.
  4. Choose the Children menu item.

  In the Review view, "children" are defined as the
  review comments associated with the given generation.

  Typically, a developer will replace a reservation,
  thus creating a new generation, which is then marked
  for review.  Project members examine the new generation
  and add review comments.  One developer is usually
  responsible for the generation; that developer
  assimilates the various comments and accepts or rejects
  the generation.  If the generation is rejected, the
  developer may reserve the generation to correct the
  problems, and then accept the generation.

7.1  –  Rw c

  Choose the Review Comment... menu item to associate a
  review comment with a specific element generation. The
  generation must already be on the review pending list.

  You can place a generation on the review pending list by
  doing the following:

  1. Pull down the Maintenance menu.
  2. Choose the Review submenu.
  3. Choose the Mark... menu item.

  Fill in the dialog box with the desired information.

7.1.1  –  Rw csf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Review Comment... menu item, the Selected box
  contains that object. CMS associates the review comment
  to this object by default.

7.1.2  –  Rw cef

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  objects with which the review comment is to be associated.

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

7.1.3  –  Rw c r f

  Fill in the Remark field with the text to be associated
  with the transaction and logged in the history file with
  this review transaction.

7.1.4  –  Rw g e f

  Fill in the Generation field with the generation number
  of the element with which to associate the review comment.

  If you omit the generation number, CMS uses the most
  recently created generation with a review pending.  You
  need to specify the generation number only if more than
  one generation is under review.

7.2  –  Rw a

  The Accept... menu item changes the review status of each
  specified element generation from "pending" to "accepted"
  and removes it from the review pending list.

7.2.1  –  Rw s

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Accept... menu item, the Selected box contains that
  object.  CMS performs the accept transaction on the
  selected object.

7.2.2  –  Rw e

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  objects to be accepted.

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

7.2.3  –  Rw r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  review transaction.

7.2.4  –  Rw g

  Fill in the Generation field with the generation number
  of the element generation to be accepted.

  If you omit the generation number, CMS accepts the most
  recently created generation with a review pending.  You
  need to specify the generation number only if more than
  one generation is under review.

7.3  –  Rw j

  The Reject... menu item changes the review status of each
  specified element generation from "pending" to "rejected"
  and removes it from the review pending list.

7.3.1  –  Rw rsf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Reject... menu item, the Selected box contains that
  object.  CMS performs the reject transaction on the
  selected object.

7.3.2  –  Rw rj

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  objects to be rejected.

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

7.3.3  –  Rw rr

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  review transaction.

7.3.4  –  Rw gf

  Fill in the Generation field with the generation number
  of the element to be rejected.

  If you omit the generation number, CMS rejects the most
  recently created generation with a review pending.  You
  need to specify the generation number only if more than
  one generation is under review.

7.4  –  Rw ms

  Choose the Mark... menu item to place an element
  generation under review.  CMS then places the generation
  on a review pending list.

  Mark changes the review status of the element generation
  from "none" to "pending" and then places the generation
  on a review pending list.

  You can associate a review comment with the generation by
  using the Review Comment... menu item.  You can then view
  comments made by other users by doing the following:

  1. Click on an element generation.
  2. Pull down the View menu.
  3. Pull down the Expand submenu.
  4. Choose the Children menu item.

  In the Review view, "children" are defined as the review
  comments associated with the given generation.

  Typically, a developer will replace a reservation, thus
  creating a new generation, which is then marked for
  review.  Project members examine the new generation and
  add their comments to the review. One developer is
  usually responsible for the generation; that developer
  assimilates the various comments and accepts or rejects
  the generation.  If the generation is rejected, the
  developer may reserve the generation to correct the
  problems, and then accept the generation.

  You can use one of the following menu items to change the
  review status of the element generation: Accept...,
  Reject..., or Cancel....

  The Mark... menu item can be used only on element
  generations that are not already on the review pending

7.4.1  –  Rw mf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Mark...  menu item, the Selected box contains those
  objects. CMS performs the mark transaction on the
  selected object.

7.4.2  –  Rw me

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  objects whose generations are to be marked as pending

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

7.4.3  –  Rw mr

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  mark transaction.

7.4.4  –  Rw mg

  Fill in the Generation field with the generation number
  of the element to be marked as having review pending

  If you omit the generation number, CMS marks the most
  recent generation on the main line of descent.

7.5  –  Rw csi

  The Review Cancel... menu item changes the review status
  of each specified element generation from "pending" to
  "none" and removes it from the review pending list.

  Use the Cancel... menu item only on element generations
  that already have reviews pending.

7.5.1  –  Rw csf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Cancel... menu item, the Selected box contains those
  objects.  CMS performs the cancel transaction on the
  selected objects.

7.5.2  –  Rw cef

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  objects whose reviews pending are to be canceled.

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

7.5.3  –  Rw crf

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  cancel transaction.

7.5.4  –  Rw cgf

  Fill in the Generation field with the generation number
  of the element to have its review pending status

  If you omit the generation number, CMS cancels the review
  of the most recent generation on the main line of descent
  with a review pending.

8  –  Rk mi

  Choose the Remark... menu item to add a remark to the
  library history.  The remark is recorded in the library
  history in the following format:

      date time username REMARK "remark"

  The remark is usually used to describe a transaction. You
  can use any characters; however, the length of the remark
  cannot exceed 256 characters.

8.1  –  Rk text

  You can enter any character string in the Remark field.
  You usually enter a remark to describe a transaction;
  remarks are useful in tracking modifications made to
  elements.  The length of the remark cannot exceed 256

  All CMS operations that modify the library or its
  contents allow you to enter a remark, which is recorded
  in the library history as part of the transaction record.

8.2  –  Rk u

  Click on the Mark as unusual event button to specify that
  the remark string placed in the history file be marked as
  an unusual occurrence.  It appears marked with an
  asterisk in the history output.  To display history
  output, do the following:

  1. Pull down the View menu.
  2. Choose the History menu item.

8.3  –  Rk ok

  Click on the OK button to include the remark in the
  library history, optionally mark it as an unusual event,
  and then remove the dialog box.

8.4  –  Rk cx

  Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box
  without including the remark in the library history.

9  –  Ac

  Choose the Set ACL... menu item to manipulate the access
  control list (ACL) on various objects in the library. An
  ACL consists of access control entries (ACEs) that grant
  or deny access to a command or other object to specified

  Generally, there are two ways in which you can use ACLs
  on objects:

      o  To control and restrict access to commands

         For example, you can create an ACL specifying
         certain users who are not allowed to use certain
         commands, or other users who are allowed to use
         only certain commands.

      o  To control and restrict access to other objects
         (elements, groups, classes, the element list,
         the group list, the class list, library history,
         and library attributes)

         For example, you can create an ACL specifying
         certain users who are not allowed to insert or
         modify a particular element.

  When there is no ACL on a command or other object, access
  to the command or other object is unrestricted.
  Assigning an ACL to an object limits access strictly to
  the specified user or users.

  The use of ACLs could possibly cause unintended
  restrictions. You should fully understand the composition
  of both OpenVMS and CMS ACLs before using CMS ACLs. See the
  "Guide to DIGITAL Code Management System for OpenVMS
  Systems" for more information on using ACLs.

9.1  –  Ac db

  The Set ACL dialog box allows you to enter information
  about access control lists (ACLs) and access control
  entries (ACEs).

9.1.1  –  Ac sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Set ACL... menu item, the Selected box contains those
  objects.  CMS performs the set ACL transaction you specify
  on the selected objects.

9.1.2  –  Ac ob

  Fill in the Object field with the name of one or more
  objects whose access control lists (ACLs) are to be
  created, modified, or deleted.  Wildcards and a comma
  list are allowed.

  The name in the Object field depends on the Object type.
  For example, if the Object type is Class, the object name
  must be the name of a class in the CMS library. The same
  principle applies to elements and groups.

  If the Object type is Library, the Object field must
  contain one or more of the following keywords:


  If the Object type is Command, the Object field must
  contain the name of a CMS command. Commands that
  contain two words must be specified with an underscore;
  for example, INSERT_ELEMENT.

9.1.3  –  Ac obj

  The Object type indicates the type of object whose access
  control list (ACL) is being modified. The Object type is

  Double click on the Object Field or on the object lists
  from the additional topics below for more information on
  object types.  –  E_L

  You can conceptually think of element, group, and class
  lists as generic objects representing, respectively,
  all the elements, groups, and classes that already exist,
  or have yet to be created in the CMS library.

  You use the object lists with access control lists (ACLs)
  to grant or deny access to objects already created in the
  library, or objects that will be created in the library.

  See the "Guide to DIGITAL Code Management System for
  OpenVMS Systems" for a more detailed explanation of object
  lists.  –  H_L

  By specifying a CMS ACL on the CMS library or the library
  history, you can restrict users from certain types of
  access to the library or the library history.

  You can restrict users from the following types of access
  to the library:  MODIFY, REPAIR, VERIFY.

  You can restrict users from the following types of access
  to the library history:  DELETE, REMARK.

  See the "Guide to DIGITAL Code Management System for OpenVMS
  Systems" for a more detailed explanation of using ACLs on
  the library or library history.

9.1.4  –  Ac rf

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this

9.1.5  –  Ac ace

  One or more access control entries (ACEs) comprise an
  access control list (ACL).  You can use two types of ACLs
  in CMS: Identifier ACEs and Action ACEs.

  o  Identifier ACEs control which users can perform
     which CMS operations on a specified object.

  o  Action ACEs define CMS events and specify actions
     to be taken based on these events.

  This Help entry describes Identifier ACEs; see the "Guide
  to DIGITAL Code Management System for OpenVMS Systems" for
  more information on Action ACEs.

  Fill in the ACEs box with one or more ACEs.  Identifier
  ACEs must have the following format:



  This ACE indicates that both the modify and delete
  operations are allowed for the user holding the
  PROJ_LEADER identifier.  To specify multiple ACEs,
  enclose the ACEs in parentheses.  For example:


  See the "Guide to DIGITAL Code Management System for OpenVMS
  Systems" for more information on ACLs.

9.1.6  –  Ac new

  Click on the Add ACEs in Front button to direct CMS to
  add the ACEs in the ACEs box to the beginning of the ACL.

  By default, ACEs added to the ACL are always placed at
  the top of the list.

9.1.7  –  Ac aft

  Click on the Add ACEs After ACE button to direct CMS to
  add the ACEs in the ACEs box to the ACL after the ACE you
  specify in the accompanying text field.

9.1.8  –  Ac r

  Click on the Remove ACEs button to direct CMS to delete
  the ACE (or ACEs) specified in the ACEs box from the ACL.

  If you do not specify any ACEs in the ACEs box, CMS
  deletes the entire ACL.  If you specify an ACE that does
  not exist, CMS notifies you, then continues on to delete
  the next specified ACE.

9.1.9  –  Ac rep

  Click on the Supersede ACL button to direct CMS to
  replace any existing ACL on the object with the new ACEs
  you specify in the ACEs box.

9.1.10  –  Ac mda

  Click on the Make Default ACL button to direct CMS to
  propagate the DEFAULT option ACEs in the ACL of the
  object list to the ACL of the specified object.

  This option can be used only with object lists.  For
  example, click on this option if you assign or modify
  an ACL on a group list.  The ACEs would then be assigned
  to any newly-created groups.

9.1.11  –  Ac lik

  Click on the Copy ACL From Object button to direct CMS to
  replace the ACL of the object specified in the Object
  name field with an ACL copied from another object. You
  must specify the ACL to be copied in the text field.

  No wildcards are allowed.

10  –  Cy mi

  Choose the Copy submenu to display a list
  containing the types of objects on which you can
  perform copy transactions:

  o  Elements
  o  Groups
  o  Classes

10.1  –  Cy el

  The Copy Element... menu item allows you to copy
  one or more existing elements and create a new element
  (or elements) in the same library or another library.
  The original element is left unchanged.

  If you copy an element to the same library, the new
  element must have a different name.

10.1.1  –  Cy sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Copy Element... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the copy transaction on the
  selected objects.

10.1.2  –  Cy e

  Fill in the Input Element field with the name of one or
  more existing elements to be copied.  If you specify more
  than one element to be copied, you must use a wildcard
  character for the Output Element name.

  The Input Element can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

10.1.3  –  Cy of

  Fill in the Output Element field with the name of the new

  The name cannot be the same as any existing element name
  in the target library.  The file name component cannot be
  00CMS because this name is reserved for CMS. Wildcards
  are allowed.

  If you specify more than one element name in the Input
  Element field, you must use a wildcard character for the
  Output Element name.

10.1.4  –  Cy r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  copy transaction.

10.1.5  –  Cy i

  Fill in the Input Library field with the name of a
  library other than your current library.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS uses your current

10.2  –  Cy gr

  The Copy Group... menu item allows you to copy
  one or more existing groups and create a new group
  (or group) in the same library or another library.
  The original group is left unchanged.

  If you copy a group to the same library, the new
  group must have a different name.

10.2.1  –  Cy sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Copy Group... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the copy transaction on the
  selected objects.

10.2.2  –  Cy g

  Fill in the Input Group field with the name of one or
  more existing groups to be copied.  If you specify more
  than one group to be copied, you must use a wildcard
  character for the Output Group name.

  The Input Group can be a group name, a wildcard expression,
  or a list of these separated by commas.

10.2.3  –  Cy of

  Fill in the Output Group field with the name of the new

  The name cannot be the same as any existing group name
  in the target library.  The file name component cannot be
  00CMS because this name is reserved for CMS. Wildcards
  are allowed.

  If you specify more than one group name in the Input
  Element field, you must use a wildcard character for the
  Output Group name.

10.2.4  –  Cy r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  copy transaction.

10.2.5  –  Cy i

  Fill in the Input Library field with the name of a
  library other than your current library.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS uses your current

10.3  –  Cy cl

  The Copy Class... menu item allows you to copy
  one or more existing classes and create a new class
  (or classes) in the same library or another library.
  The original class is left unchanged.

  If you copy a class to the same library, the new
  class must have a different name.

10.3.1  –  Cy sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Copy Class... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects. CMS performs the copy transaction on the
  selected objects.

10.3.2  –  Cy c

  Fill in the Input Class field with the name of one or
  more existing classes to be copied.  If you specify more
  than one class to be copied, you must use a wildcard
  character for the Output Class name.

  The Input Class can be a class name, a wildcard expression,
  or a list of these separated by commas.

10.3.3  –  Cy of

  Fill in the Output Class field with the name of the new

  The name cannot be the same as any existing class name
  in the target library.  The file name component cannot be
  00CMS because this name is reserved for CMS. Wildcards
  are allowed.

  If you specify more than one class name in the Input
  Class field, you must use a wildcard character for the
  Output Class name.

10.3.4  –  Cy r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the transaction and logged in the history file with this
  copy transaction.

10.3.5  –  Cy i

  Fill in the Input Library field with the name of a
  library other than your current library.

  If you do not specify this option, CMS uses your current
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