Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  L m, New mi
  Choose the New item to create either a new library
  or a new element.  The New Library... and New Element...
  items in the submenu invoke dialog boxes that prompt
  you for information to create the new objects.

1  –  Cl mi

  Choose the New Library... menu item to create a CMS

  You must create the library in an existing empty OpenVMS
  directory (or direct CMS to create the directory); you
  can have only one CMS library in each directory.

  When you choose New Library..., a dialog box appears
  allowing you to specify options for the library you are

  New Library... automatically opens the library for
  access; you do not have to explicitly open it.

1.1  –  Cl db

  The New Library dialog box allows you to enter
  information about the library you want to create, such as
  the library name, the creation remark to be logged in the
  library history, whether CMS should create the directory
  for you, the name of the reference copy directory (if any)
  to be associated with the library, and search list

1.1.1  –  Cl lf

  Fill in the Library field with the name of the library
  to be created.  Unless you have told CMS to create the
  directory for you (via the Automatically Create
  Directory button), this name must be the name of a valid
  OpenVMS directory that you created with the DCL
  CREATE/DIRECTORY command, and the directory must be empty.

  This library cannot be your current default directory.
  Wildcards are not allowed.

1.1.2  –  Cl dr

  Fill in the Remark field with text that is associated
  with the creation of the new library.  The text is
  permanently logged in the library history file.

  You are not required to surround the Remark field with
  quotes.  You can use any characters; however, the length
  of the remark cannot exceed 256 characters.

  If you do not enter a remark, a null remark is logged in
  the library history file.

1.1.3  –  Cl rdb

  Fill in the Reference Copy Directory field with the name
  of a reference copy directory (you must have already
  created the OpenVMS directory). This associates the
  reference copy directory with the current library.

  When the Reference Copy Directory button is activated,
  CMS stores copies of elements in the reference copy
  directory.  For more information, double click on About
  Reference Copy Directories from the list of additional
  topics below.

  The reference copy directory cannot be a CMS library, nor
  should it be a subdirectory of a CMS library. Wildcards
  are not allowed.

1.1.4  –  Cl acd

  Click on the Automatically Create Directory button to
  direct CMS to automatically create the library directory
  for you.

1.1.5  –  Cl rev o

  The File Revision Time attributes consist of the following

   o  Original--specifies that the original revision
      time of files placed in a CMS library should
      be restored unchanged upon their retrieval.
      This is the default behavior.

   o  Storage Time--specifies that the time when a
      file was stored in a CMS library (through a create
      element or replace transaction) should be
      substituted for its original revision time upon

1.1.6  –  Cl sl

  Click on the Search List Position button to specify:

  o  Whether the new library (or libraries) will
     supersede the existing list, if one exists.

  o  Whether the new library or libraries will
     be inserted into the existing list, and the
     position in which they are to be inserted, before
     or after other libraries, or last in the list.

1.1.7  –  Cl nr

  Click on the New button to supersede the existing library
  list with the new library (or libraries) specified in the
  Library field.

1.1.8  –  Cl frb

  Click on the First button to insert the new library at
  the beginning of the library list.

1.1.9  –  Cl da

  Click on the After button to insert the new library into
  the library list immediately following the library
  specified in the After field.   You must then supply a
  library in the After field.

1.1.10  –  Cl ar

  Fill in the After field with the name of the library that
  the newly-opened library will follow.  The default is to
  include the newly-opened library after all previously
  opened libraries.

1.1.11  –  Cl lr

  Click on the Last button to insert the new library at the
  end of the library list.

1.1.12  –  Cl cur

  This flag indicates whether or not elements created in
  this library will allow concurrent reservations by

1.1.13  –  Cl kep

  This flag indicates whether all versions of the file used
  to create an element or generation are deleted during that

1.1.14  –  Cl ext

  This flag indicates whether extended filename are allowed
  in the library.  Extended filenames are only available on
  OpenVMS V7.2 and later.

1.1.15  –  Cl var

  This flag indicates whether long variant names are allowed
  in the library.

2  –  Ct emi

  Choose the New Element... menu item to bring up a
  dialog box, enabling you to input attributes and other
  options for the element you are creating.

  The new element transaction creates the first
  generation of a new element.  It does this by moving the
  input file from an OpenVMS directory into a CMS library.  By
  default, CMS searches for the file in your current
  default directory; you can direct CMS to use a file with
  a different name or in a different directory by choosing
  the Input File option.

  After the element is created, CMS deletes all versions of
  the input file from the specified location unless you turn
  off the Delete Input Files option or turn on the Reserve
  New Element option.

2.1  –  Ct dbx

  The New Element dialog box allows you to enter
  information about the element (or elements) you want
  to create.

2.1.1  –  Ct ef

  Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more
  elements to be created.

  Within a library, all element names must be unique. Do
  not use the file name 00CMS, because that name is reserved
  for CMS.

  You can also specify a list of element names separated by
  commas, or you can specify a wildcard expression.

  The name cannot be the same as any existing element name
  in the library.

2.1.2  –  Ct r

  Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with
  the creation remark of the element and logged in the
  history file with this create transaction.

  The remark is stored with both the element and its first

2.1.3  –  Ct inp

  Click on the Input File button to specify that the file
  to be used to create the element is in a different
  location than your default directory, or is named
  other than the element name.

  You must also specify the name of the directory if the
  file is in a location other than your default directory.

  After the element is created, CMS deletes all versions of
  the input file from the specified location unless you turn
  off the Delete Input Files option or turn on the Reserve
  New Element option.

2.1.4  –  Ct del

  Click on the Delete Input Files button to direct CMS to
  delete all versions of the file used to create the new

2.1.5  –  Ct res

  Click on the Reserve New Element button to direct CMS to
  reserve the new element after it is created. When you
  specify the Reserve New Element option, CMS does not
  delete the file used to create the element.

  When you choose Reserve New Element, generation 1 of the
  newly-created element is automatically reserved.

  If the Reserve New Element option is turned off and the
  Delete Input File options is turned on, CMS deletes all
  versions of the file used to create the element.

2.1.6  –  Ct bin

  Click on the Create Binary File button to direct CMS to
  create the new element in binary format. When you
  specify the Create Binary File option, CMS creates the element
  in binary format irrespective of file properties.

  If the Create Binary File option is turned off, CMS decides on
  its own whether to create binary element or text element
  depending on file properties.

2.1.7  –  Ct ele a

  You can establish different attributes for each element
  you create.  These attributes include the following:

  o  Whether to allow reservations of the same element
     by more than one user

  o  Whether elements are assigned a reference copy file

  o  Whether new element generations are marked
     for review

  o  Whether to include notes and history information
     when the element is retrieved  –  Ct all

  Click on the Allow Concurrent Reservations button to
  allow multiple reservations for the element.

  After you create the element, you grant or deny
  concurrent access by doing the following:

  1. Click on the element.
  2. Pull down the Maintenance menu.
  3. Pull down the Modify submenu.
  4. Choose the Element... menu item.

  CMS brings up a dialog box, allowing you to specify the
  desired options.  –  Ct rf

  Click on the Reference Copy button to direct CMS to
  maintain a reference copy of the element. You must have
  previously created a reference copy directory and
  enabled the Reference Copy attribute of the library.

  CMS creates a reference copy for the new element and
  updates the element's reference copy file in the reference
  copy directory whenever you create a new main line
  generation of the element.  When CMS places a file in the
  reference copy directory, it also deletes any earlier
  versions of that file in the reference copy directory.

  The reference copy attribute is inherited from the
  library; that is, if a reference copy directory is
  established for the library, the attribute is also
  enabled for new elements by default.  –  Ct mar

  Click on the Mark new generations for review button to
  direct CMS to mark new new generations of the element for
  review.  New generations of that element are marked for
  review only if the reserved generation was either
  rejected or has a review pending.  –  Ct no

  Click on the Notes button to append notes to the lines of
  the file when you fetch or reserve the element.  –  Ct nof

  Fill in the Format field with a format string. The note
  for a line consists of the format string.

  The format string characters #G indicate that the
  generation number of the particular generation in which
  the line was inserted or most recently modified should be
  appended to the lines of the output file.

  You can optionally include other ASCII text in the Notes
  Format field.  To include a quotation mark in the notes
  string, type it twice (""). To include a number sign in
  the notes string, type it twice (##).

  You must also specify the column number in which to place
  the note.  –  Ct noc

  Fill in the Column field with the column number where the
  note should begin.  This value is required and must be an
  integer in the range 1 to 511.

  The note is placed to the right of the text of the line.
  If the length of the line is less than the column number,
  the note appears at the column number position.  If the
  length of the line is greater than or equal to the column
  number, the note is placed at the next tab stop after the
  end of the line. (Tab stops are at position 9 and every
  eight characters thereafter.)  –  Ct his

  Click on the History button to establish the History
  attribute for the element. If an element has the History
  attribute enabled, its history is included in the file
  when you retrieve it with the fetch or reserve
  transactions.  –  Ct his be

  Click on the At Beginning button to direct CMS to include
  the history for the element at the beginning of the
  output file.

  Click on the At End button to direct CMS to include the
  history for the element at the end of the output file.  –  Ct his f

  Fill in the Format field with a format string indicating
  where the format is to appear in the output file.

  The string must contain the characters #H or #B
  (lowercase is allowed), and can contain other printing
  characters.  Use the letter B to include the history at
  the beginning of the file.  Use the letter H to include
  the history at the end of the file.

  To include a quotation mark in the history string, type
  it twice (""). To include a number sign in the history
  string, type it twice (##).
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