Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  D_M, D cmi
  Choose the Class Differences... menu item to
  compare the contents of two classes.

  If CMS finds differences, it creates a file that contains
  the generations that differ between them, and delivers a
  copy of the file to your current default directory.

  If the contents of the classes are the same, CMS issues a
  message to that effect and does not create a differences file.
  If you have turned off the Differences Only button, CMS still
  creates a file, even if there are no differences.

1  –  D p

  The Primary Input region includes a Selected field, and a
  Class field. The Primary Input region is associated with
  information about the first class to be compared.

2  –  D sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Class Differences... menu item, the Selected field contains
  those objects.  CMS performs the differences transaction
  on the selected objects.

3  –  D pi

  Fill in the Primary Input Class field with the  name of the
  first class to be compared.

4  –  D sis

  The Secondary Input region includes a Class field. The
  Secondary Input region is associated with information about the
  second class to be compared.

  You must supply an object name in the Class field.

5  –  D si

  The Secondary Input Class field specifies the second class to
  be compared.

6  –  D op

  You can specify the following options on the differences

  o  Whether the differing generation names from the two
     classes are formatted vertically (side by side) instead
     of horizontally (line by line)
  o  Whether just the differences are listed or not
  o  The width of the differences report

6.1  –  D po

  Click on the Parallel button to control whether the
  differing generation names from the two classes are formatted
  side by side. The differences from the first class are
  displayed on the left and the differences from the second
  class are displayed on the right.

6.2  –  D w

  Click on the Width button to control the limit for the
  width of the differences report.  The value can be from
  48 to 511, inclusive.

  If you do not supply a width in the Width field, CMS uses
  80 by default.

6.3  –  D od

  When this button is activated, CMS creates a file that
  contains only the generation names that differ between the
  two classes.

7  –  D go tb

  Fill in the Output File field with the name of a file to
  which CMS should write the differences output.

  If you do not specify a file name in the Output File
  field, CMS creates a file with the Primary Input Class
  name and the file type .DIF in your default  directory.

  You can also choose the Appended option; this option
  appends the output to the existing file.

8  –  D ab

  Click on the Appended button to control whether CMS
  appends the differences output to an existing file or
  creates a new file.

  If you choose Appended and the output file does not
  exist, CMS creates a new file.  If you do not provide an
  output file specification, CMS searches your default
  directory for a file with the Primary Input Class
  name and the file type .DIF.

9  –  D op pb

  Click on the Options button to bring up a dialog box,
  allowing you to specify the following options in the

  o  Generation name differences to be shown during the
  o  Generation name differences to be ignored during
     the comparison

9.1  –  D ods

  The Show options allow you to choose what sort of
  generation name differences should be shown during the
  comparison.  You can choose one or more of the following

  o  Element Differences
  o  Generation Differences
  o  Variant Differences

9.1.1  –  D ed

  Click on the Element Differences button to direct CMS to
  show the difference if there is a generation of an element
  in one class but no generation of that element in the other

9.1.2  –  D gd

  Click on the Generation Differences button to direct CMS to
  show the difference if the generation in one class differs
  from the generation in the other class but one generation
  isn't a variant of the other generation.

9.1.3  –  D vd

  Click on the Variant Differences button to direct CMS to
  show the difference if the generation in one class differs
  from the generation in the other class and one generation is
  a variant of the other. One generation will be a variant of
  the other if at some point in the path between one
  generation and the other a generation is reserved and
  replaced with a variant specified.

9.2  –  D ig

  The Ignore options allow you to choose what sort of
  generation name differences should be ignored during the
  comparison.  Currently the only option possible is
  the following:

  o  First Variant

9.2.1  –  D fv

  Click on the First Variant button to direct CMS to ignore any
  differences where the generation in one class is the first
  variant of the generation in the other class. For example
  generation 2C1 is a first variant of generation
  2 and generation 4B6D1 is a first variant of
  generation 4B6.
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