Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  D_M
  The Data menu contains a list of the CMS operations
  that allow you to do the following:

  o  Perform a Differences comparison of files
  o  Perform a Differences comparison of class contents
  o  Create an annotated listing of modifications
     made to an element

  When you choose one of these menu items, a dialog box
  appears, allowing you to view and specify options for
  that operation.

  To perform a transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the desired CMS object.
  2. Pull down the Data menu.
  3. Pull down the desired menu item.

1  –  D mi

  Choose the Element/File Differences... menu item to
  compare two files, two generations of elements, or
  a file and a generation of an element.

  If CMS finds differences, it creates a file that contains
  the lines that differ between them, and delivers a copy
  of the file to your current default directory.

  If the files are the same, CMS issues a message to that
  effect and does not create a differences file.  If you
  have turned off the Differences Only button, CMS still
  creates a file, even if there are no differences.

1.1  –  D p

  The Primary Input region includes a Selected field, the
  Element/File field, and an optional Generation field.
  The Primary Input region is associated with information
  about the first file to be compared.

1.2  –  D sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Element/File Differences... menu item, the Selected
  field contains  those objects.  CMS performs the
  differences transaction  on the selected objects.

1.3  –  D pi

  Fill in the Primary Input Element/File field with the
  name of the first file to be compared.  CMS assumes
  that the file is an OpenVMS file specification.  To specify
  an element, you must specify the exact generation number
  of the element by choosing the Generation button and
  filling in the Generation field.

1.4  –  D pig

  Choose the Primary Input Generation button to specify
  that the file in the Primary Input Element/File field is
  an element and not an OpenVMS file specification.

  By default, CMS uses the highest mainline generation (1+).
  To compare any other generation, you must supply the exact
  generation number.

1.5  –  D sis

  The Secondary Input region includes an Element/File
  field, and an optional Generation field.  The Secondary
  Input region is associated with information about the
  second file to be compared.

  You must supply an object name in the Element/File field.
  You can optionally supply a generation number to indicate
  a particular element generation.

1.6  –  D si

  The Secondary Input Element/File field specifies the
  second file to be compared.  CMS assumes that the file
  is an OpenVMS file specification.  To specify an element, you
  must specify the exact generation number of the element
  by choosing the Generation button and filling in the
  Generation field.

  CMS follows these rules when you do not provide a second
  file specification:

  o  If you direct CMS to take the Primary Input
     Element/File from a location that is not a CMS
     library, CMS uses the next lower file version in
     the same directory as the Primary Input Element/File.

  o  If you direct CMS to take the Primary Input
     Element/File from a CMS library (by specifying the
     generation number) CMS uses the latest default
     directory version of the Primary Input Element/File
     as the Secondary Input File.

1.7  –  D sig

  Choose the Secondary Input Generation button to specify
  that the file in the Secondary Input Element/File field
  is an element and not an OpenVMS file specification.

  By default, CMS uses the highest mainline generation (1+).
  To compare any other generation, you must supply the exact
  generation number.

1.8  –  D op

  You can specify the following options on the differences

  o  Whether to allow page breaks in the output file
  o  Whether the differing lines from the two files are
     formatted vertically (side by side) instead of
     horizontally (line by line)
  o  Whether just the differences are listed or not
  o  The width of the differences report
  o  Whether a list of generation differences should be

1.8.1  –  D pbo

  Click on the Page Breaks button to direct CMS to allow
  page breaks in the output file. Otherwise, page breaks
  are converted to the string "<PAGE>" in the output file.

1.8.2  –  D po

  Click on the Parallel button to control whether the
  differing lines from the two files are formatted side by
  side. The differences from the first file are displayed
  on the left and the differences from the second file are
  displayed on the right.

1.8.3  –  D w

  Click on the Width button to control the limit for the
  width of the differences report.  The value can be from
  48 to 511, inclusive.

  If you do not supply a width in the Width field, CMS uses
  80 by default.

1.8.4  –  D od

  When this button is activated, CMS creates a file that
  contains only the lines that differ between the two

1.8.5  –  D gd

  Click on this button to direct CMS to include a list of
  generation differences in the output file.  This option
  is only applicable if two generations are being compared
  in the differences transaction.

1.9  –  D go tb

  Fill in the Output File field with the name of a file to
  which CMS should write the differences output.

  If you do not specify a file name in the Output File
  field, CMS creates a file with the Primary Input
  Element/File name and the file type .DIF in your default

  You can also choose the Appended option; this option
  appends the output to the existing file.

1.10  –  D ab

  Click on the Appended button to control whether CMS
  appends the differences output to an existing file or
  creates a new file.

  If you choose Appended and the output file does not
  exist, CMS creates a new file.  If you do not provide an
  output file specification, CMS searches your default
  directory for a file with the Primary Input Element/File
  name and the file type .DIF.

1.11  –  D op pb

  Click on the Options button to bring up a dialog box,
  allowing you to specify the following options in the

  o  Characters to be ignored during the comparison
  o  Lines of text to be ignored during the comparison
  o  Whether the output is formatted, and the type
     of formatting

1.11.1  –  D odi

  The Ignore options allow you to choose a keyword that
  specifies the type of character to be ignored during the
  comparison.  You can choose one or more of the following

  o  Case
  o  Formfeeds
  o  Spacing
  o  Leading blanks
  o  Trailing blanks
  o  History
  o  Notes  –  D ic

  Click on the Case button to direct CMS to ignore
  case-sensitivity (A through Z, a through z) during the
  differences comparison.  –  D ifo

  Click on the Formfeeds button to direct CMS to ignore
  formfeed characters as it compares records from the two

  The formfeeds remain in the output file, but are
  disregarded for the differences comparison.  –  D is

  Click on the Spacing button to direct CMS to compress
  multiple blanks and tabs into a single space as it
  compares records from the two files.

  The blanks and tabs remain in the output file, but are
  disregarded for the differences comparison.  –  D ilb

  Click on the Leading Blanks button to direct CMS to
  ignore leading blanks and tabs as it compares records
  from the two files.

  The blanks and tabs remain in the output file, but are
  disregarded for the differences comparison.  –  D itb

  Click on the Trailing Blanks button to direct CMS to
  ignore trailing blanks and tabs as it compares records
  from the two files.

  The blanks and tabs remain in the output file, but are
  disregarded for the differences comparison.  –  D iho

  Click on the History button to direct CMS to ignore
  element generation history as it compares a file with a
  generation.  At least one of the files must be an element
  generation with the History attribute enabled.

  The history text is ignored for the differences
  comparison and is removed from the output file.  –  D ino

  Click on the Notes button to direct CMS to ignore notes
  as it compares a file with a generation.  At least one of
  the files must be an element generation with the notes
  attribute enabled.

  The notes text is ignored for the differences comparison
  and is removed from the output file.

1.11.2  –  D sk

  Click on the Skip lines button to indicate the number of
  lines at the beginning of each file (or generation) that
  are to be ignored during the comparison of both files.

  You must specify a nonnegative integer value indicating
  the number of lines to be ignored.

1.11.3  –  D skt

  The Skip text delimited by option allows you to specify a
  pair of strings used to delimit a section of text to be
  ignored during the comparison of both files.

  The delimiters cannot exceed 256 characters each, and
  must be unique.

  Any text between and including the delimiters is treated
  as if it did not exist.   Sentinel strings may contain
  any characters, but if you include spaces or tabs, the
  entire string must be enclosed in quotation marks.

1.11.4  –  Dof

  The Output Format options control whether the history and
  source file listing is formatted.  You must specify the
  type of formatting and data partition.  The formatting
  types include:

  o  ASCII
  o  Decimal
  o  Hexadecimal
  o  Octal  –  Das

  Click on the ASCII button to specify that each byte of
  data be displayed as an ASCII character.  ASCII is most
  useful when files contain textual data.  –  Dcf

  Click on the Decimal button to specify that each value be
  displayed as a decimal numeral.

  If you specify decimal output, you cannot also specify
  Records as an Output Partition.  By default, data is
  partitioned into longwords.  –  Dhf

  Click on the Hexadecimal button to specify that each
  value be displayed as a hexadecimal numeral.

  If you specify hexadecimal output, you cannot also
  specify Records as an Output Partition.  By default, data
  is partitioned into longwords.  –  Doff

  Click on the Octal button to specify that each value be
  displayed as an octal numeral.

  If you specify Octal output, you cannot also specify
  Records as an Output Partition.  By default, data is
  partitioned into longwords.

1.11.5  –  Dop

  The Output Partition options control whether the history
  and source file listing is formatted.  You must specify
  the type of formatting and data partition.  The data
  partition types include:

  o  Records
  o  Byte
  o  Word
  o  Long  –  Dro

  Click on the Records button to specify that no further
  partitioning of data is to occur beyond the record
  partitioning already in the file.

  This partitioning is most useful when the files contain
  textual data.

  You can only specify Records by itself or in conjunction
  with the ASCII Output Format.  –  Dpo

  Click on the Byte button to specify that the data
  displayed is to be partitioned into bytes.  –  Dwp

  Click on the Word button to specify that the data
  displayed is to be partitioned into word values.  –  Dlp

  Click on the Long button to specify that the data
  displayed is to be partitioned into longword values.

  This is the default partitioning for Decimal,
  Hexadecimal, and Octal Output Formats.

2  –  D cmi

  Choose the Class Differences... menu item to
  compare the contents of two classes.

  If CMS finds differences, it creates a file that contains
  the generations that differ between them, and delivers a
  copy of the file to your current default directory.

  If the contents of the classes are the same, CMS issues a
  message to that effect and does not create a differences file.
  If you have turned off the Differences Only button, CMS still
  creates a file, even if there are no differences.

2.1  –  D p

  The Primary Input region includes a Selected field, and a
  Class field. The Primary Input region is associated with
  information about the first class to be compared.

2.2  –  D sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Class Differences... menu item, the Selected field contains
  those objects.  CMS performs the differences transaction
  on the selected objects.

2.3  –  D pi

  Fill in the Primary Input Class field with the  name of the
  first class to be compared.

2.4  –  D sis

  The Secondary Input region includes a Class field. The
  Secondary Input region is associated with information about the
  second class to be compared.

  You must supply an object name in the Class field.

2.5  –  D si

  The Secondary Input Class field specifies the second class to
  be compared.

2.6  –  D op

  You can specify the following options on the differences

  o  Whether the differing generation names from the two
     classes are formatted vertically (side by side) instead
     of horizontally (line by line)
  o  Whether just the differences are listed or not
  o  The width of the differences report

2.6.1  –  D po

  Click on the Parallel button to control whether the
  differing generation names from the two classes are formatted
  side by side. The differences from the first class are
  displayed on the left and the differences from the second
  class are displayed on the right.

2.6.2  –  D w

  Click on the Width button to control the limit for the
  width of the differences report.  The value can be from
  48 to 511, inclusive.

  If you do not supply a width in the Width field, CMS uses
  80 by default.

2.6.3  –  D od

  When this button is activated, CMS creates a file that
  contains only the generation names that differ between the
  two classes.

2.7  –  D go tb

  Fill in the Output File field with the name of a file to
  which CMS should write the differences output.

  If you do not specify a file name in the Output File
  field, CMS creates a file with the Primary Input Class
  name and the file type .DIF in your default  directory.

  You can also choose the Appended option; this option
  appends the output to the existing file.

2.8  –  D ab

  Click on the Appended button to control whether CMS
  appends the differences output to an existing file or
  creates a new file.

  If you choose Appended and the output file does not
  exist, CMS creates a new file.  If you do not provide an
  output file specification, CMS searches your default
  directory for a file with the Primary Input Class
  name and the file type .DIF.

2.9  –  D op pb

  Click on the Options button to bring up a dialog box,
  allowing you to specify the following options in the

  o  Generation name differences to be shown during the
  o  Generation name differences to be ignored during
     the comparison

2.9.1  –  D ods

  The Show options allow you to choose what sort of
  generation name differences should be shown during the
  comparison.  You can choose one or more of the following

  o  Element Differences
  o  Generation Differences
  o  Variant Differences  –  D ed

  Click on the Element Differences button to direct CMS to
  show the difference if there is a generation of an element
  in one class but no generation of that element in the other
  class.  –  D gd

  Click on the Generation Differences button to direct CMS to
  show the difference if the generation in one class differs
  from the generation in the other class but one generation
  isn't a variant of the other generation.  –  D vd

  Click on the Variant Differences button to direct CMS to
  show the difference if the generation in one class differs
  from the generation in the other class and one generation is
  a variant of the other. One generation will be a variant of
  the other if at some point in the path between one
  generation and the other a generation is reserved and
  replaced with a variant specified.

2.9.2  –  D ig

  The Ignore options allow you to choose what sort of
  generation name differences should be ignored during the
  comparison.  Currently the only option possible is
  the following:

  o  First Variant  –  D fv

  Click on the First Variant button to direct CMS to ignore any
  differences where the generation in one class is the first
  variant of the generation in the other class. For example
  generation 2C1 is a first variant of generation
  2 and generation 4B6D1 is a first variant of
  generation 4B6.

3  –  A mi

  Choose the Annotate... menu item to create a line-by-line
  file listing of the changes made to each specified element
  generation; CMS places this file in your current default
  directory or a directory you specify.

  The annotate transaction documents the development of an
  element, and creates an output file that contains an
  annotated listing; unless you specify a different name,
  CMS names the file name the same as the element name and
  the file type is .ANN. The annotated listing file
  contains two parts:

  o  A history
  o  A source file listing

  The history includes the following:

  o  Generation number
  o  Date, time, user, and remark associated
     with each generation of the element

  The source file listing includes the following:

  o  All lines inserted or modified from
     generation 1 to the specified generation.

3.1  –  A sf

  If you click on an object or objects before choosing
  the Annotate... menu item, the Selected box contains
  those objects.  CMS performs the annotate transaction on
  the selected objects.

3.2  –  A ef

  Fill in the Element field with the name of the object or
  objects you want annotated.

  The object can be an element name, a group name, a
  wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by

  If you specify a group name, CMS annotates each element
  in the group. If you use wildcards, CMS produces one
  annotated listing file for each matching element.

  By default, CMS annotates the most recent generation on
  the main line of descent of each element.

  If you want to annotate a specific generation of the
  element, you must also specify the generation number in
  the Generation field.

3.3  –  A gf

  Fill in the Generation field with the number of the
  generation you want annotated.  For example, 3B2.

  If you omit this field, CMS by default annotates the
  most recent generation on the main line of descent.

3.4  –  A mg

  Fill in the Merge Generation field with the number of the
  generation to be merged into the retrieved generation.

  The merge transaction combines two generations of an
  element and creates a single file that contains the
  annotated listing.

  The file contains text common to both generations. When
  changes that are not identical are made in the same
  position of the common ancestor, the changes from both
  generations are included in the resulting file and are
  marked as a conflict.

3.5  –  A fa

  Click on the Full Annotation button to direct CMS to
  include all of the following information about the file
  used to create each generation:

  o  Creation time
  o  Revision time
  o  Revision number
  o  Record format
  o  Record attributes
  o  Deleted lines

3.6  –  A of

  The Output Format options control whether the history and
  source file listing is formatted.  You must specify the
  type of formatting and data partition.  The formatting
  types include:

  o  ASCII
  o  Decimal
  o  Hexadecimal
  o  Octal

3.6.1  –  A ii

  Click on the ASCII button to specify that each byte of
  data be displayed as an ASCII character.  ASCII is most
  useful when files contain textual data.

3.6.2  –  A dc

  Click on the Decimal button to specify that each value be
  displayed as a decimal numeral.

  If you specify decimal output, you cannot also specify
  Records as an Output Partition.  By default, data is
  partitioned into longwords.

3.6.3  –  A hx

  Click on the Hexadecimal button to specify that each
  value be displayed as a hexadecimal numeral.

  If you specify hexadecimal output, you cannot also
  specify Records as an Output Partition.  By default, data
  is partitioned into longwords.

3.6.4  –  A oc

  Click on the Octal button to specify that each value be
  displayed as an octal numeral.

  If you specify octal output, you cannot also specify
  Records as an Output Partition.  By default, data is
  partitioned into longwords.

3.7  –  A op

  The Output Partition options control whether the history
  and source file listing is formatted.  You must specify
  the type of formatting and data partition. The data
  partition types include:

  o  Records
  o  Byte
  o  Word
  o  Long

3.7.1  –  A rc

  Click on the Records button to specify that no further
  partitioning of data is to occur beyond the record
  partitioning already in the file.

  This partitioning is most useful when the files contain
  textual data.

  You can only specify Records by itself or in conjunction
  with the ASCII Output Format.

3.7.2  –  A bp

  Click on the Byte button to specify that the data
  displayed is to be partitioned into bytes.

3.7.3  –  A wp

  Click on the Word button to specify that the data
  displayed is to be partitioned into word values.

3.7.4  –  A lg

  Click on the Long button to specify that the data
  displayed is to be partitioned into longword values.

  This is the default partitioning for Decimal,
  Hexadecimal, and Octal Output Formats.

3.8  –  A dfn

  Fill in the Output File field with the name of a file to
  which CMS should write the annotated output.

  If you do not specify a file name in the Output File
  field, CMS creates a file with the element name and the
  file type .ANN in your default directory.

  You can also choose the Appended option, which appends
  the output to the existing file.

  You may annotate multiple elements by using wildcards,
  a comma list, or a group name; however, if you do not
  specify wildcards in the output file, CMS creates
  successive versions of the file.

3.9  –  A atb

  Click on the Appended button to control whether CMS
  appends the history and source file listing to an
  existing file or creates a new file.

  If you choose Appended and the output file does not
  exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide an
  output file specification, CMS searches your default
  directory for a file with the element file name and the
  file type .ANN.
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