Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  C m, Ml mi
  Choose the Message Logging... menu item to direct CMS
  to display error, success, and informational messages
  using the options you choose.

1  –  Ml wipb

  Choose the Operation Status Box button to direct CMS
  to display all messages in a operation status box
  during your CMS session.

2  –  Ml cmwb

  Choose the Command Window button to direct CMS to display
  all informational messages interactively in the Show
  Command... window.  CMS automatically pops up the Show
  Command... window when you choose this option.

3  –  Ml cm ifv

  Choose the Command Window if Visible button to direct CMS
  to display all informational messages in the Show
  Command... window only when you have the Show Command...
  window currently opened.

4  –  Ml nne

  Choose the None button to prevent CMS from displaying any
  informational messages.
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