Library /sys$common/syshlp/CMS$DW_HELP.HLB  —  M  C m
  The Options menu allows you to tailor the CMS session
  by performing the following:

  o  Enter CMS command-line mode
  o  Specify options for the display of messages
  o  Open a specific library (or libraries) each time
     you invoke CMS
  o  Set up a list of known libraries for easy reference
  o  Set a default view to be displayed each time you
     invoke CMS
  o  Set default occlusion information
  o  Specify default restrictions for each view type
  o  Save and restore customized options

  Note that some customizations will take effect
  immediately, while others may take effect the next time
  you invoke the associated view, and still others take
  effect the next time you invoke the CMS DECwindows
  interface (for example, the Initial Library menu item).

  To save options, choose the Save Options menu item.

1  –  Sh cm

  Choose the Show Command... menu item to enter CMS
  command-line commands at the CMS prompt.   The output
  appears in the CMS Command window.

  When you choose the Show Command... menu item, a dialog
  box appears with a display window, a smaller input window
  containing the CMS prompt (CMS>), and the Clear Command
  Window and Cancel buttons.

1.1  –  Sh co

  The CMS Command output window displays the output when
  you enter CMS commands at the CMS prompt (CMS>).

1.2  –  Sh iw

  Enter commands in the CMS command-line interface by
  typing them at the CMS prompt (CMS>).  Command output is
  displayed in the main window.

1.3  –  Sh cl

  Click on the Clear Command Window button to clear the
  contents of the output window.

2  –  Ml mi

  Choose the Message Logging... menu item to direct CMS
  to display error, success, and informational messages
  using the options you choose.

2.1  –  Ml wipb

  Choose the Operation Status Box button to direct CMS
  to display all messages in a operation status box
  during your CMS session.

2.2  –  Ml cmwb

  Choose the Command Window button to direct CMS to display
  all informational messages interactively in the Show
  Command... window.  CMS automatically pops up the Show
  Command... window when you choose this option.

2.3  –  Ml cm ifv

  Choose the Command Window if Visible button to direct CMS
  to display all informational messages in the Show
  Command... window only when you have the Show Command...
  window currently opened.

2.4  –  Ml nne

  Choose the None button to prevent CMS from displaying any
  informational messages.

3  –  Cm il mi

  Choose the Initial Library... menu item to specify a
  library or libraries to be automatically opened each time
  you invoke CMS.

  When you choose Initial Library..., a dialog box appears,
  allowing you to specify one or more library

3.1  –  Il lsf

  Fill in the Library Specification field with the name of
  the library (or libraries) that you want automatically
  opened each time you invoke CMS.

  You can specify multiple libraries to be opened; separate
  each library name with a comma.

4  –  Kl mi

  Choose the Known Libraries... menu item to specify
  multiple library names that CMS stores and displays
  each time you enter CMS.

  When you enter CMS, the libraries you specified are
  shown in the Open Library dialog box.  To open one
  of the known libraries, do the following:

  1. Pull down the Library menu.
  2. Pull down the Open... submenu; the Open Library
     dialog box appears.
  3. Double click on the desired library displayed in
     the Known Libraries box.

4.1  –  Kl f

  The Known Libraries box displays all the known libraries
  that you specified in the Library Specification(s) field.

  The libraries you specify are then displayed in the Open
  Library dialog box each time you enter CMS.  Double click
  on one or more of the known libraries to open the library.

  Double click on the Library Specification(s) field from
  the additional topics below for more information on
  entering library specifications.

4.2  –  Kl lsf

  Fill in the Library Specification(s) field with one or
  more library specifications.

  To specify a library search list, enter the library
  specifications on one line, separating each specification
  with a comma.  When you double click on the search list
  from the Known Libraries box in the Open Library dialog
  box, CMS opens the entire search list.

  To specify individual library names, enter a single
  library specification, then choose the Add button.  Do
  this for each library specification.  Each time you
  choose the Add button, CMS adds each name in list form
  to the Known Libraries box.  You can specify up to ten
  libraries in the Known Libraries field.

4.3  –  Kl apb

  Click on the Add button to add the specified library or
  libraries to the Known Libraries box.

  CMS automatically adds the new library (or libraries)
  to the beginning of the library list.

4.4  –  Kl re pb

  Click on the Remove button to remove one or more
  libraries from the Known Libraries box.  First choose the
  library or libraries to be removed; then choose the
  Remove button.

  The remove transaction does not delete the library;
  however, it removes the library from the immediate list
  of known libraries.

5  –  Vw mi

  Choose the View... menu item to specify the
  default view you want displayed each time you invoke
  CMS.  You can specify one of the following views:

  o  Element
  o  Group
  o  Class
  o  Reservation
  o  History
  o  Review
  o  Command

  You can also specify the style in which CMS should
  display the view:

  o  Textual
  o  Outline
  o  Tree

  You can also specify a preference for LSE to display
  (or not display) each file fetched or reserved.

5.1  –  Vw cv ef

  Click on the Element button to direct CMS to display an
  element view each time you enter CMS or open a new view.

  CMS displays the element view by default.

  To further tailor the element view, do the following:

  1. Pull down the View menu.
  2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item.
  3. Choose the desired options for the element view.

5.2  –  Vw cv gf

  Click on the Group button to direct CMS to display a
  group view each time you enter CMS or open a new view.

  To further tailor the group view, do the following:

  1. Pull down the View menu.
  2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item.
  3. Choose the desired options for the group view.

5.3  –  Vw cf

  Click on the Class button to direct CMS to display a
  class view each time you enter CMS or open a new view.

  To further tailor the class view, do the

  1. Pull down the View menu.
  2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item.
  3. Choose the desired options for the class view.

5.4  –  Vw rf

  Click on the Reservation button to direct CMS to
  display a view of current reservations each time
  you enter CMS or open a new view.

  To further tailor the reservations view, do the

  1. Pull down the View menu.
  2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item.
  3. Choose the desired options for the
     reservation view.

5.5  –  Vw hf

  Click on the History button to direct CMS to display a
  view of the library history each time you enter CMS or
  open a new view.

  To further tailor the history view, do the following:

  1. Pull down the View menu.
  2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item.
  3. Choose the desired options for the history view.

5.6  –  Vw rrf

  Click on the Review button to direct CMS to display a
  view of generations currently on the review pending
  list each time you enter CMS or open a new view.

  To further tailor the review view, do the following:

  1. Pull down the View menu.
  2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item.
  3. Choose the desired options for the review view.

5.7  –  Vw cof

  Click on the Command button to direct CMS to display a
  list of CMS commands each time you enter CMS or open a
  new view.  The list contains the commands on which access
  control lists (ACLs) can be placed. Double click on a
  command name to display any ACLs on the command.

5.8  –  Vw text

  The Display Style options direct CMS to display the
  startup view using the method you specify. You can choose
  one of the following buttons:

  o  Textual--directs CMS to display the startup view
     in textual-outline form.  This is the default.

  o  Outline--directs CMS to display the startup view
     in vertical-outline form.  Click on the navigational
     icon to pop up the CMS Navigation Window. The
     navigational icon is located in the lower right-hand
     corner of the view window.

  o  Tree--directs CMS to display the startup view
     in a tree structure.  Click on the navigational
     icon to pop up the CMS Navigation Window. The
     navigational icon is located in the lower right-hand
     corner of the view window.

5.9  –  Vw lse

  The LSE Views Options give the CMS user the option of having
  LSE open a new buffer for each file fetched or reserved.  LSE
  must already be running in order for these buffers to be opened.
  You can choose one or more of the following buttons:

  o  Fetch--directs LSE to open a new buffer for each
     file fetched.  This is the default.

  o  Reserve-- directs LSE to open a new buffer for each
     file reserved.  This is the default.

6  –  Cust rest opt

  Choose the Restrict submenu to customize
  the display of options for the view type you specify.
  Using the Restrict submenu is equivalent
  to using command-line interface SHOW commands.

  Use the Restrict submenu to restrict
  the display of options *before* you display a view.

7  –  Cu sa mi

  Choose the Save Options menu item to store your
  current customizations.

8  –  Cu sa

  Choose the Restore Options menu item to restore
  customizations that have been previously stored with the
  Save Options menu item.

  Choose this button to restore your original
  customizations if you have temporarily changed
  (overridden) customizations in the current session.

9  –  Cu sy a

  Choose the Restore System Options menu item to enable
  system-wide defaults, thus overriding any current
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