Library /sys$common/syshlp/BASICHELP.HLB  —  Run time errors, SIZRECINV
  Size of record invalid (ERR=156)

  The program contains a  COUNT  or  RECORDSIZE  specification  that  is
  invalid because:

   o  COUNT equals zero
   o  COUNT exceeds the maximum size of the record
   o  COUNT conflicts with the actual size of the current record  during
      a sequential file UPDATE on disk
   o  COUNT does not equal the maximum  record  size  for  fixed  format
   o  You specified a record size in the OPEN statement that was unequal
      to the actual record size established when the file was created.

  Supply a valid COUNT value in the PUT or UPDATE statement, or a  valid
  RECORDSIZE in the OPEN statement, whichever is applicable.
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