Library /sys$common/syshlp/BASICHELP.HLB  —  PRINT  USING  Numeric format
  Character     Output

      #         Reserves space for one sign or digit.

      ,         Inserts commas before every third digit to the left of
                the decimal point .

      .         Inserts a decimal point.

     $$         Reserves space for a dollar sign and one digit.

     **         Fills the left side of the field  with  asterisks  and
                reserves space for two digits.

      -         Prints negative numbers with a trailing minus sign.

   ^^^^         Specifies E notation for floating-point numbers.

    <0>         Prints leading zeros instead of spaces.

    <%>         Prints all spaces if the value of the field is zero.

   <CD>         Prints CR (Credit Record) after  negative  numbers  or
                zero and DR (Debit Record) after positive numbers.

      _         Forces the next character in the string to be  treated
                as a literal.
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