Library /sys$common/syshlp/BASICHELP.HLB  —  Constants  Literal notation
  The format for explicit literal notation is:

      [radix] num-str-lit [data-type]

  Radix specifies an optional base and can be:

   o  D Decimal (base 10) - the default
   o  B Binary (base 2)
   o  O Octal (base 8)
   o  X Hexadecimal (base 16)
   o  A ASCII

  The numeric string can consist of digits and an optional decimal  point.
  You  can  also  use  E notation for floating-point constants.  A leading
  minus sign cannot appear inside the quotation marks.   Data  type  is  a
  single letter abbreviation a data type keyword:

   o  B BYTE
   o  W WORD
   o  L LONG
   o  Q QUAD
   o  F SINGLE
   o  D DOUBLE
   o  G GFLOAT
   o  S SFLOAT
   o  T TFLOAT
   o  X XFLOAT

  Data type can also be C, which specifies a  single-character  string  in
  terms  of  its 8-bit ASCII value.  For the C data type, the value of the
  numeric string must be between 0 and 255, inclusive.  For example:

  B"11111111"B = BYTE binary constant (-1)
  X"FF"B       = BYTE hexadecimal constant (-1)
  O"377"B      = BYTE octal constant (-1)
  "7"C         = CHARACTER constant (ASCII decimal value 7)
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