Library /sys$common/syshlp/BASICHELP.HLB  —  Arrays  Bounds
  When you create a nonvirtual array, BASIC allows  you  to  specify  both
  upper  and  lower  bound values.  If you specify both an upper and lower
  bound, the upper bound must be preceded by the keyword TO.  In addition,
  the  lower  bound must be less than or equal to the upper bound.  If you
  specify only upper bounds,  you  must  separate  them  with  commas  and
  enclose   them   in   parentheses.   Noninteger  bounds  and  noninteger
  subscripts are truncated to integer values.  Note  that  the  amount  of
  storage the system can allocate depends on available memory.  Therefore,
  very large arrays may cause an internal allocation error.

  Note that you can use the LBOUND and UBOUND  functions  to  return  both
  upper and lower bound values.
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