1 ON 2 ERROR The ON ERROR statement transfers program control to a specified line or program module. If an error is pending when the ON ERROR statement executes, control is transferred immediately. Otherwise, control is transferred when an error occurs. For new program development, it is recommended that you use WHEN blocks. 3 GOBACK After BASIC executes an ON ERROR GO BACK in a subprogram or DEF, control transfers to the calling (main) program when an error occurs under certain conditions. Example ON ERROR GO BACK 4 Syntax { ONERROR } { ON ERROR } GO BACK 3 GOTO The ON ERROR GOTO statement transfers program control to a specified line or label in the current program unit when an error occurs under certain conditions. Example 5 ON ERROR GOTO 19000 4 Syntax { ONERROR } { GO TO } { ON ERROR } { GOTO } target 3 GOTO 0 The ON ERROR GOTO 0 statement disables user error handling and passes control to the BASIC error handler when an error occurs under certain conditions. Example ON ERROR GOTO 0 4 Syntax { GO TO } ON ERROR { GOTO } 0 2 GOSUB The ON GOSUB statement transfers program control to one of several subroutines, depending on the value of a control expression. Example 150 ON Control% GOSUB 100, 200, 300 OTHERWISE 500 3 Syntax ON int-exp GOSUB target,... [ OTHERWISE target ] 2 GOTO The ON GOTO statement transfers program control to one of several lines, depending on the value of a control expression. Example 330 ON Index% GOTO 700, 800, 900 OTHERWISE 1000 3 Syntax { GO TO } ON int-exp { GOTO } target,... [ OTHERWISE target ]