Library /sys$common/syshlp/BASICHELP.HLB  —  Release Notes, Documentation  Release notes
    I64 BASIC provides the following online information, which is
    copied to the user's system during installation:

    o  The VSI BASIC for OpenVMS I64 Systems online Release Notes

    o  I64 BASIC DCL Help

    o  I64 BASIC Language Topics Help

1  –  I64 BASIC Language Topics Help

 HELP on BASIC language topics, available from the VAX BASIC
 environment is accessible from DCL in I64 BASIC. For help on
 language features, type the following command at the DCL prompt:


    Alternately, a symbol can be defined to access help on BASIC
    language features directly. For example, the DCL command:


    will allow you to type:

    $ BASHELP BASIC-topic
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