Library /sys$common/syshlp/BASICHELP.HLB  —  MOVE
  The MOVE statement transfers data between a record buffer and a list  of


  MOVE FROM #4%, R%, H%, E%, RBI%, BA
  MOVE TO #9%, FILL$ = 10%, A$=10%, B$=30%, C$=2%

1  –  Syntax

           { TO   }
      MOVE { FROM } chnl-exp, move-item,...

        move-item:  { num-var                                            }
                    { num-array ( [,]... )                               }
                    { str-var [ = int-exp ]                              }
                    { str-array ( [,]... ) [ = int-exp ]                 }
                    { [ data-type ] FILL [ ( int-exp ) ] [ = int-const ] }
                    { FILL% [ ( int-exp ) ]                              }
                    { FILL$ [ ( int-exp ) ] [ = int-exp ]                }
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