Library /sys$common/syshlp/BASICHELP.HLB  —  LSE Topics
  The Compaq Language-Sensitive Editor for OpenVMS Systems is a source  code
  editor  that allows you to quickly and accurately develop programs.  Using
  the Editor commands, you can control the editing  environment  and  access
  the  Editor's  knowledge  of BASIC.  A series of tokens can be expanded on
  your screen to create a syntactically correct BASIC program.

1  –  Compilation unit

  A compilation unit is a block of code that can be compiled  as  a  unit.
  The  compilation  unit  is the initial token displayed on your screen by
  the Language-Sensitive Editor.  Before you start your  editing  session,
  you  must  select  the  type  of  program  unit you plan to edit.  BASIC
  compilation  units  include  PROGRAM  units,  and   SUB   and   FUNCTION

1.1  –  PROGRAM unit

  A main program unit can be compiled, linked, and executed  by  itself,
  whereas a SUB or FUNCTION program unit cannot be executed unless it is
  linked with a main program unit.  A main program unit can be delimited
  with the PROGRAM and END PROGRAM statements; however, these statements
  are optional.

1.2  –  SUB program unit

  A SUB subprogram cannot be executed unless linked with a main  program
  unit.   A  SUB  subprogram  does not return a value except by way of a
  modifiable parameter (passed BY REF or BY DESC).  SUB subprograms  are
  called from the main program with the CALL statement.

  The SUB  statement  marks  the  beginning  of  a  SUB  subprogram  and
  specifies its parameters by number and data type.

1.3  –  FUNCTION program unit

  A FUNCTION subprogram cannot be executed unless  linked  with  a  main
  program  unit.   Unlike SUB subprograms, FUNCTION subprograms return a
  value.  FUNCTION subprograms are  called  from  the  main  program  by
  referencing the FUNCTION name.

  FUNCTION subprograms must be declared with the EXTERNAL  statement  in
  the  main program.  You must specify the data type for the function in
  both the main program EXTERNAL statement and the  subprogram  FUNCTION

  The FUNCTION statement marks the beginning of  a  FUNCTION  Subprogram
  and defines the subprogram's parameters.

2  –  Statement

  The  statement  token  can  be  expanded  to  display  any  valid  BASIC
  statement.   The  statement token is available in all of the compilation
  units and can be repeated as often as you wish.

  When you call the Language-Sensitive Editor to  modify  a  program  unit
  already  in  existence,  the statement token is not available.  However,
  you can enter the beginning of any valid BASIC statement and then expand
  it with the editor in the usual way.

3  –  Program header

  The  program_header  token  is  useful  for  documenting  your  program.
  Placeholders  are  provided  for  listing  the program author and title.
  Compiler directives are available for controlling the listing file.   In
  the  program_header,  you  can  explain program features such as labels,
  supplied inputs, and any side effects.

4  –  Declarations

  The declaration  section  provides  you  with  placeholders  to  declare
  external  and  local  constants,  external  routines,  local  functions,
  RECORDs, MAPs, COMMONs, and any variables.

5  –  Handler statements

  Handler_statements such as RETRY, CONTINUE, and EXIT  HANDLER  are  only
  valid inside an attached or detached handler.
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