Library /sys$common/syshlp/BASICHELP.HLB  —  Conventions
  BASIC keywords are capitalized in format statements and  must  be  spelled
  exactly as shown.  Metalanguage symbols are in lowercase letters.

1  –  Punctuation

  Punctuation symbols are:

      [ ]       Brackets  enclose  an  optional  portion  of   a   format.
                Brackets  around  vertically stacked entries indicate that
                you can select one of the  enclosed  elements.   You  must
                include all punctuation as it appears in the brackets.

      { }       Braces enclose a mandatory portion of  a  general  format.
                Braces around vertically stacked entries indicate that you
                must choose one of the  enclosed  elements.   Braces  also
                group  portions  of  a format as a unit.  You must include
                all punctuation as it appears in the braces.

      ...       An ellipsis indicates that you can repeat the  immediately
                preceding  language  element.   An  ellipsis  following  a
                format unit enclosed in brackets or braces means that  you
                can  repeat  the  entire  unit.   If  repeated elements or
                format units must be separated by commas, the ellipsis  is
                preceded by a comma (,...).

2  –  Mnemonics

  The following mnemonics are used in HELP text:

  Mnemonic      Definition

    array       An array; the syntax  formats  indicate  whether  you  can
                specify bounds and dimensions or just dimensions

    chnl        An I/O channel associated with a file

    com         Specific to a COMMON

    cond        Conditional; used with the expression mnemonic to indicate
                that an expression can be either logical or relational

    const       A constant value

    data-type   A data type keyword; type HELP DATA_TYPES for  information
                on BASIC data types

    def         Specific to a DEF

    exp         An expression

    file-name   A file name

    file-spec   A file specification

    func        Specific to a FUNCTION subprogram

    int         An integer value

    item        Allowable BASIC objects, such as  variables,  data  types,
                and  parameters;  allowable objects are defined in formats
                as they occur

    label       An alphanumeric statement label

    lex         Lexical; used  to  indicate  a  component  of  a  compiler

    line-num    A program line number

    lit         A literal value, in quotation marks

    log         Logical; used with the expression mnemonic to  indicate  a
                logical expression

    map         Specific to a MAP

    matrix      A two-dimensional array

    name        Indicates the declaration of a name or the name of a BASIC
                structure, such as a SUB subprogram

    num         A numeric value

    real        A floating-point value

    rel         Relational; used with the expression mnemonic to  indicate
                a relational expression

    sub         Specific to a SUB subprogram

    subs        Subscripted; used with the variable mnemonic  to  indicate
                an  array  element; the element's position in the array is
                specified  by  subscripts  enclosed  in  parentheses   and
                separated by commas

    str         A character string

    target      The target point of a branch statement; indicates that the
                target  point  can  be  either  a program line number or a
                statement label

    unsubs      Unsubscripted; used with the variable mnemonic to indicate
                a simple variable, as opposed to an array element

    var         A variable

  Mnemonics are combined to form metalanguage  symbols  that  specify  the
  type of language element allowed in a format.  For example:

   o  Const-name     Is a constant name.
   o  Sub-name       Is the name of a SUB subprogram.
   o  Unsubs-var     Is an unsubscripted variable.
   o  Int-exp        Is an integer expression.
   o  Cond-exp       Is a conditional expression.
   o  Str-unsubs-var Is a string unsubscripted variable.

3  –  File specification

  A full file specification has the form:


  This is an example of a complete file specification:


  Often  the  full  file  name  is  the  only  required  part  of  a  file
  specification.   If you omit any other part, your current default values
  are used.  Under certain circumstances, you can assign a logical name to
  access files not in your current default directory.
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