Library /sys$common/syshlp/BASICHELP.HLB  —  CVT$$
  The CVT$$ function is identical to the EDIT$ function.  It performs one or
  more  string  editing  functions,  depending  on  the value of its integer


  A$ = CVT$$(B$,48%)

1  –  Syntax

      str-var = CVT$$(str-exp, int-exp)

  Values   Effect

  1%       Trim parity bits
  2%       Discard all spaces and tabs
  4%       Discard characters: CR, LF, FF, ESC, RUBOUT, and NULL
  8%       Discard leading spaces and tabs
  16%      Reduce spaces and tabs to one space
  32%      Convert lowercase to uppercase
  64%      Convert [ to ( and ] to )
  128%     Discard trailing spaces and tabs
  256%     Do not alter characters inside quotes
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