1.$ SHOW WORKING_SET Working Set (pagelets) /Limit= 2000 /Quota= 4000 /Extent= 6000 Adjustment enabled Authorized Quota= 4000 Authorized Extent= 6000 Working Set (8Kb pages) /Limit= 125 /Quota= 250 /Extent= 375 Authorized Quota= 250 Authorized Extent= 375 This example shows the SHOW WORKING_SET command on Alpha. The process has a working set limit of 2000 pagelets (125 pages) and a quota of 4000 pagelets (250 pages), and the current quota is equal to the authorized limit (4000 pagelets; 250 pages). It also shows that the current process has a working set extent of 6000 pagelets (375 pages) and that the current extent is equal to the authorized limit (6000 pagelets; 375 pages). A pagelet is 512 bytes. 2.$ SHOW WORKING_SET Working Set (pagelets) /Limit=3632 /Quota=8192 /Extent=524288 Adjustment enabled Authorized Quota=8192 Authorized Extent=524288 Working Set (8Kb pages) /Limit=227 /Quota=512 /Extent=32768 Authorized Quota=512 Authorized Extent=32768 $ SET PROCESS/UNITS=BYTES $ SHOW WORKING_SET Working Set (bytes) /Limit=1.77MB /Quota=4MB /Extent=256MB Adjustment enabled Authorized Quota=4MB Authorized Extent=256MB This example shows the same display, first in bits and then in bytes. 3.$ SHOW WORKING_SET Working Set /Limit= 180 /Quota= 350 /Extent=1200 Adjustment enabled Authorized Quota= 350 Authorized Extent=1200 This example shows the SHOW WORKING_SET command . The process has a working set limit of 180 pages, a quota of 350 pages, and the quota is equal to the authorized limit (350 pages). It also shows that the current process has a working set extent of 1200 and that the current extent is equal to the authorized limit (1200).