/VIRTUAL /NOVIRTUAL Specifies that the modified license must only be loaded on OpenVMS guests. Virtual licenses are ignored during physical machine LICENSE LOAD command processing. To see the licenses that are ignored, use the /LOG qualifier with the LICENSE LOAD command. Use the /NOVIRTUAL qualifier to remove the virtual option from the license. The /VIRTUAL qualifier is valid for licenses with the IA64 and PCL options. Licenses that you intend to load on OpenVMS guest cluster members must be modified with the /VIRTUAL qualifier. It is optional, but recommended to modify licenses for standalone OpenVMS guest systems with the /VIRTUAL qualifier. VSI recommends that you use /INCLUDE or /EXCLUDE lists on your virtual machine host licenses to define all the OpenVMS guest cluster members from a host that must load the license. In future, VSI may limit the usage of a Virtual license to one host, which is the first host that loads the license.